Title: Rob Chioini - Possesses Exceptional Management Skills
1Rob Chioini
Founder of Rockwell Medical, Inc., Chairman and
CEO 1995-2018
2(No Transcript)
3Robert Chioini has worked for several years in
the medical industry to gain leadership,
discipline, motivation, and perseverance to start
his own business. He aimed to bring innovation in
the medical industry to help save the lives of
people and empower growth and sustainability. He
always had a competitive spirit and love to sell
and market products.
4Today Rob Chioini is a diligent businessperson
running his successful company across national
and international borders. His business generates
about 50 million in sales annually. They have 3
U.S manufacturing plants, approximately 315
employees, and 55 trucks servicing the country.
5Robert Chioini started Rockwell Medical Inc. in
1995. His company is a leader and manufacturer in
delivering high-quality, innovative drug
therapies and hemodialysis concentrates on
dialysis providers and distributors.
6Robert Chioini has set a strategic direction for
his company to ensure the accountability of
employees, distributors, vendors, and guarantee
sustainable growth. During his business regime,
he has truly focused on employee development and
the protection of their rights. According to him,
employees are cornerstones of a building, and the
success of the whole enterprise is dependent on
their performance.
7Rob Chioini has extensive experience and
understanding of clinical drug development,
pharmaceuticals, medical devices,
commercialization, and strategic positioning.
To know more about him visit his official site