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Hair treatment in Pune at skinovate offer hair loss treatment that stimulates blood vessels to help the hair follicles regrow. For more details call us now. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: shivalisingh


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  • Hair loss is a widespread problem seen in one out
    of three people. But the reason for hair loss
    varies from patient to patient. The reasons
    include undergoing treatment, surgery, stress,
    genetic problem, poor diet, or exposure to
    pollution. Waking up to see hairs fallen all over
    the pillow, bathroom, floors, and combs is a
    nightmare for both men and women. Although hair
    thinning can be a genetic issue, your Lifestyle
    also plays a vital role.
  • Healthy, shiny hair adds volume to your overall
    personality. It has an adverse effect on your
    social and personal life. The good news is you
    can rebuild your lost confidence and personality
    with a few lifestyle changes along with some
    treatment sessions from the Best dermatologist in
    Pimple Saudagar.
  • How Lifestyle affects our health?
  • In this fast-paced world, we forget to take care
    of one thing that will remain constant in your
    life You! Skipping breakfast and meals to head
    towards a meeting, dodging the gym class because
    you were tired, or eating junk foods all day as
    you didn't get time to prepare the home-cooked
    meal, these are some of the ignorant behaviour
    most people don't pay attention to, and with
    time, it starts affecting their mental and
    physical health.

  • Certainly, a single individual cannot do much
    about the pollution and genetic issues but, in
    this blog, we will discuss some of the healthy
    lifestyle choices you can make to regrow your
    hair and prevent hair loss. You can book your
    appointment at Skinovate for the most trusted
    hair treatment in Pune if you are dealing with
    excess hair loss.
  • Tips to get healthy, thick, and shiny hair
  • Manage Stress Levels
  • A lot of stress due to hectic work deadlines, a
    broken relationship, financial constraints, and
    existential crisis triggers stress and anxiety,
    which further aggravates hair losspractice yoga
    for at least 30 minutes. Indulge in activities
    that make you happy, spend time with the family,
    to manage your stress levels. Talk to an
    experienced, well-known counselor if the stress
    levels start affecting you emotionally.
  • A Well-planned Diet
  • Drinking one glass of milk and eating your
    three-course meals may not be sufficient for your
    body, which has caused hair loss. You need oral
    supplements for a well-functioning body system.
    Some of the diet supplements recommended to
    control hair loss are

  • Spinach, legumes, and pumpkin seeds for iron
  • Meat, chicken, and fortified cereals for vitamin
  • Pulses, fish, milk, and eggs for protein
  • Green-leafy vegetables, fresh, and citric fruits
    for vitamins
  • You can seek help from a dietician to prepare a
    diet routine for your body type. Every human's
    body functions differently. A professional
    dietician will examine your health, medical
    history, and mental state to determine the right
    diet chart to stimulate your hair growth cycle.
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • The first thing that most people compromise due
    to their work-life is their sleep cycle. During
    this pandemic situation, there has been an
    increase in people developing insomnia due to
    lack of exercise, excess screen time, and
    workload. 7-8 hours of sleep is mandatory for
    people regardless of their age or sex. A good
    night's sleep improves the body's metabolic
    function, such as regenerating old cells,
    repairing the damaged cell, improving the hair
    growth cycle, and getting rid of wastes. Sick
    people or those healing from a surgery/treatment,
    heal faster when they sleep well.

  • Quit Smoking and Alcohol
  • In case the fear of developing cancer is not
    enough motivation for you to give up smoking and
    alcoholism, consider its adverse effects on your
    physical appearance. Smoking increases the risk
    of infertility in both men and women. It
    restricts the blood vessels from reaching the
    hair follicles and, thus, stops hair growth over
    time. Due to restricted hair growth, it sheds in
    no time, leaving bald patches on your head.
  • At Skinovate, we offer hair loss treatment in
    Pune that stimulates blood vessels to help the
    hair follicles regrow. However, smoking and
    alcohol consumption should be stopped altogether
    as it increases the risk of heart disease, heart
    attack, and lung cancer.
  • Loss your weight
  • Obesity can indirectly trigger hair loss in many
    individuals. It disrupts the hormonal balance and
    strains your production of thyroxin and
    insulinthis imbalance results in thinning and
    shedding hair. In extreme hormonal imbalance due
    to overweight, the body strains your heart,
    increases blood pressure, and cholesterol.
    Regular exercise for weight loss and medical
    treatment to get rid of excess fat can balance
    the hormones and restore a healthy hair growth

  • A Word from Skinovate
  • The fear of hair loss is real. It severely
    impacts one's self-confidence, relationship,
    social life, and can put them in an embarrassing
    situation. Why struggle with your inferiority
    complex, when the treatment is just one call
    away? At Skinovate, we ensure no patient has to
    deal with any form of social embarrassment that
    can affect their self-confidence. Therefore, we
    offer a wide range of cosmetic and medical
    treatments for patients with various skin and
    hair related problems. From laser hair removal
    treatment to hair transplant procedure, we do it
    all under one roof.
  • To learn more regarding the treatment, sessions,
    appointments, and fee structure, you can call us
    today and place your concern.

  • Thank You
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