Title: Significance of Mental Health for Your Overall Wellness
1Significance of Mental Health for Your Overall
2Mental health is something that is often taken
for granted, mental health is essential for us to
achieve total wellness. Having good mental health
and wellness can enable us to handle lifes
stressors, build solid relationships, and lead
fulfilling lives.
3People often associate mental health/wellness
with absence of mental illness, but it is more
than that, it is the ability of each and all of
us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance
our ability to enjoy life and deal with the
challenges we face. How each of us defines our
mental health/wellness can be subjective. Good
mental health is not only about avoiding problems
or having the perfect life, but living well and
feeling capable despite the challenges thrown by
4Talking about overall wellness, mental and
physical health are very much interconnected. For
example, poor mental health can cause physical
aches and pains and a feeling of usual
unwellness. Again, poor physical health can
negatively impact our mental health. It is
difficult to talk about one without considering
the other. Taking good care of our physical
health by regularly exercising, eating well, and
seeking support and advice when needed- is an
important first step towards improving our mental
well-being as our mental and emotional well-being
improves when we pay attention to our physical
5Things you can do for your mental health and
wellness in New York City
1. The first thing is to value your own self.
Treat yourself with kindness and respect that you
deserve, avoid being too critical off yourself.
Expand your horizons, or make time for your
hobbies and favourite things.
62. Surround yourself with good people (supportive
family members and friends) as individuals with
strong family or social connections are generally
healthier than those who lack a support network.
3. You can improve your mental health by taking
care of yourself physically, which can be done by
eating nutritious meals, drinking plenty of
water, regularly exercising, getting enough
sleep, quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol and
other drugs.
74. You need to learn how to deal with stress,
which is possible by practicing good coping
skills, such as doing Tai Chi, exercising, taking
a nature walk, playing with your pet or trying
journal writing as a stress reducer. Try
relaxation exercises like meditation or prayer,
which can improve your state of mind and outlook
on life.
5. Aiming high is good, but be realistic at the
same time, decide what you want to achieve
professionally and personally, and write down the
steps you need to realize your goals and
accordingly progress toward your goal.
86. Whenever you feel like that you need help,
just go for it. It isnt a sign of weakness, its
a sign of strength. Moreover, getting appropriate
care can help you recover from mental illness and
addiction and lead full, rewarding lives.
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10Harlem East Life Plan.
For Watching.