Title: CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
1CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
2CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 All DQs For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130 Week 1
Discussion zyBooks Reflection CYB 130 Week 2
Discussion Code Structure CYB 130 Week 3
Discussion Loop Statements CYB 130 Week 4
Discussion Containers CYB 130 Week 5 Discussion
Handling Errors
3CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Entire Course For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130 Week 1 Data
Types and Variables CYB 130 Week 1 String and
Text Manipulation CYB 130 Week 1 Conditional
and Variables
4CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 Conditional and Variables For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 Conditional and Variables Write
a Python script that determines the highest day
temp and highest night temp of the following
variables day1Temp 78
5CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 Data Types and Variables For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 Data Types and Variables Write
a Python script that accepts the radius of a
circle and computes the area of that
circle. Use the formula Area of a circle
3.14 radius 2. Assign the initial radius
variable the value 1.5
6CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 Discussion zyBooks Reflection
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.co
m Respond to the following in a minimum of
175 words Now that you have spent one week
navigating your zyBook, what observations have
you made about its design? Which elements were
most helpful to you? Which features are still
troublesome? What strategies have you applied
that could be of use to so
7CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 String and Text Manipulation For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 1 String and Text
Manipulation Write a Python script that meets
the following requirements
8CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 2 Discussion Code Structure For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
words This week you will learn about basic code
structure. The term structure, as it relates to
programming, refers to the decisions you make to
design your program to best meet its objective.
Python provides features to create clean,
efficient code. How can the basic if/elif/else
control statements help meet structural design
objectives in your code? Provide a code example
to support your comments.
9CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 2 Loops and Conditional Statements
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.co
m CYB 130 Week 2 Loops and Conditional
Statements User input can be obtained using the
following statement and storing it into a
variable for future use num input(Enter
a number )
10CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 2 Using Loops For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130
Week 2 Using Loops Write a Python script that
asks the user to input an integer and then a
character. Use those values to print the
character in the following pattern
11CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 3 Accessing the Internet For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB
130 Week 3 Accessing the Internet Write a
Python script that accesses a websites URL and
dowloads a picture to your computers hard drive.
Then access another URL and dowload the HTML
file associated with that web address. Add print
statements to indicate the program is downloading
the content. For example
12CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 3 Discussion Loop Statements For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
words Most programming languages provide loop
statements that help users iteratively process
code. In Python you can write loops that handle
many situations. What is the intuition behind
using a loop statement? What do you gain from
using loops in your code? Provide a code example
to support your comments.
13CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 3 Python and HTML For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130
Week 3 Python and HTML Write a Python script
that builds an HTML file of your own design. Add
an image tag into your HTML and link it to an
image on your hard drive. Make sure you store
the image in the same directory as the html file,
otherwise it might not find the file.
14CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 4 Discussion Containers For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com Resp
ond to the following in a minimum of 175
words Python lists are commonly used to store
data types. Lists are a collection of information
typically called a container. Think of a physical
container that can hold all kinds
15CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 4 Individual Functional
Programming For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130 Week 4
Individual Functional Programming Write a
2-part program as follows
16CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 4 Individual Object Oriented
Programming (OOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130 Week 4
Individual Object Oriented Programming
(OOP) As defined on pp. 449 to 468 in Ch. 17,
Object-Oriented Programming, of Introduction to
Computing and Programming in Python, a Turtle is
an object from the class
17CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 5 Discussion Handling Errors For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
words It is important to program your code
efficiently. Efficient code manages errors and
exceptions and cleans up memory after it ends.
The try-except statements are
18CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 5 Individual bruteLogin
Recommendations For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com CYB 130 Week 5
Individual bruteLogin Recommendations Review
the bruteLogin function on p. 58 of Ch. 2,
Penetration Testing with Python, of Violent
Python A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic
Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security
19CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 5 Individual Extracting Passwords
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.co
m CYB 130 Week 5 Individual Extracting
Passwords Linux systems keep user account
information in the passwd file and the encrypted
password in the shadow file.
20CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com
CYB 130 Week 5 Individual Extracting Passwords
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.co
m CYB 130 Week 5 Individual Extracting
Passwords Linux systems keep user account
information in the passwd file and the encrypted
password in the shadow file.
21CYB 130 Future Our Mission/newtonhelp.com