Title: BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius.com
1BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
2BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 1 Degree of Alignment advanced
organizer (Apple) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.bus475genius.com The assessments in this
course give you the opportunity to design a
project plan. Throughout the 5 weeks, you will
choose an organization,
3BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 2 SWOT Analysis (Apple) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Using
the organization you selected for the Week 1
assignment, review its corporate website and at
least 2 other sources of information on the
4BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 2 SWOT Analysis (Disney)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Usin
g the organization you selected for the Week 1
assignment, review its corporate website and at
least 2 other sources of information on the
5BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 3 Project Metrics (Apple)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Now
that youve identified the organizations SWOT,
you need to determine the project and its
objectives and metrics. This project should be
6BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 3 Project Metrics (Disney)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Now
that youve identified the organizations SWOT,
you need to determine the project and its
objectives and metrics. This project should be
based on an
7BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 4 Project Plan (Apple) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com A
project plan is based on research and
organizational goals. Use the provided Project
Plan template to create a project plan that
outlines the operational steps. Submit your
8BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 5 Contingency Plan and
Executive Presentation (Apple) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Project plans
outline the intended course of events however,
things dont always happen as intended.
Organizations need to consider risks and develop
9BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 5 Contingency Plan and
Executive Presentation (Walmart) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Apply
Week 5 Contingency Plan and Executive
Presentation (Walmart)
10BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 5 Contingency Plan and
Executive Presentation (Wendy's) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Apply
Week 5 Contingency Plan and Executive
Presentation (Wendy's)
11BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Apply Week 5 Executive Presentation
www.bus475genius.com Project plans outline the
intended course of events however, things dont
always happen as intended. Organizations need to
consider risks
12BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Apply Week 1 Degree
of Alignment advanced organizer (Apple) BUS 475
Week 1 Discussion Mission and Vision Statements
BUS 475 Week 1 Practice Strategic Leadership
13BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 1 Chapter 1 Practice what is
www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week 1 Chapter 1
Practice what is strategy 1. Greener Grocers
14BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 1 Chapter 2 Practice Strategic
Leadership managing the strategy Process FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475
Week 1 Chapter 2 Practice Strategic Leadership
managing the strategy Process 1. The stakeholders
of a firm are 2. Which of the
15BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 1 Discussion Mission and Vision
www.bus475genius.com The mission and vision
statement guide an organizations practices and
operations. What 3 factors do you feel are most
important to consider when producing an
appropriate mission and vision statement for an
16BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 1 Practice Strategic Leadership
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Requ
ired information Strategic Leadership
Formulating Strategy Across Levels This activity
focuses on IBM and how it uses corporate
strategy, business strategy, and functional
strategy to build competitive advantage.
17BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 2 Chapter 3 External Analysis
Industry Structure, Competitive Forces, and
Strategic Groups Assignment FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week 2
Chapter 3 External Analysis Industry Structure,
Competitive Forces, and Strategic
GroupsAssignment 1.
18BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 2 Chapter 4 Internal Analysis
Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week 2 Chapter 4
Internal Analysis Resources, Capabilities, and
Core CompetenciesAssignment 1. The organizational
and managerial skills necessary to orchestrate a
diverse set of
19BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 2 Chapter 10 Global Strategy
Competing Around the World Assignment FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week
2 Chapter 10 Global Strategy Competing Around the
World Assignment 1. A company should only expand
abroad if 2.
20BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 2 Discussion Internal and External
www.bus475genius.com For an organization to be
successful, its leaders must be fully aware of
their environment. What are the primary internal
and external organizational considerations for
the development of a global strategic plan?
21BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 2 Practice Internal and External
www.bus475genius.com Internal Analysis Looking
Inside the Firm of Honda Corp. The strategic
actions managers take link firm resources and
capabilities. For example,
22BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 3 Discussion Market Trends FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com An
organizations business model depends on the key
trends of the market. These trends vary depending
on the industry. Select an industry.
23BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 3 Practice Developing and
Communicating Strategic Objectives FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Required
information Economic Value Creation This activity
is important because it reviews the concept of
economic value creation when measuring
24BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 4 chapter 7 Business Strategy
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Platforms
www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week 4 chapter 7
Business Strategy Innovation, Entrepreneurship,
and Platforms Assignment 1. Taking on an economic
risk in order to innovate is known as
--------------------. 2. People who pursue
entrepreneurship within an existing company are
25BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 4 chapter 8 Corporate Strategy
Vertical Integration and Diversification
www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week 4 chapter 8
Corporate Strategy Vertical Integration and
Diversification Assignment 1. A firm that is
active in several different countries is pursuing
a(n) ----------------diversification strategy.
26BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 4 chapter 12 Section 3, Business
www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week 4 chapter 12
Section 3, Business EthicsAssignment 1. High
profit accounting scandals and the global
financial crisis are
27BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 4 Discussion Components and
Considerations of a Strategic Plan FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Companies use
strategic plans as a course of action for
success. What do you consider to be the most and
least important factors to
28BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 4 Practice Strategy Implementation
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com Plat
form Strategy In the digital age, platforms are
business model innovations that use technology
(such as the internet, cloud computing, etc.) to
competitive advantage.
29BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 5 Chapter 11 Organizational Design
Structure, Culture, and Control Assignment FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475
Week 5 Chapter 11 Organizational Design
Structure, Culture, and Control Assignment 1.
What is the main reason why boards of directors
30BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 5 Chapter 12 Corporate Governance
and Business Ethics Assignment FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com BUS 475 Week
5 Chapter 12 Corporate Governance and Business
Ethics Assignment 1. An executive can legally
earn a significant profit
31BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius
BUS 475 Week 5 Discussion Evaluating Strategic
Plans FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bus475genius.com
After a strategic plan has been implemented it
needs to be monitored to ensure progress is being
made towards its
32BUS 475 GENIUS Social Responsibility--bus475genius