Title: Your Baby’s sleep during the Covid-19 pandemic
1Your Babys sleep during the Covid-19 pandemic
www.motherintouch.com.au 0420 200 367
2Your Babys sleep during the Covid-19
- Many babies and toddlers are experiencing sleep
regressions during this time. This unpredictable
time is even more challenging when you have a
baby or toddler who is - waking frequently at night
- experiencing a sleep regression
- will only sleep in your arms
- having short cat naps
- early morning wake ups
- getting out of bed
- You can tackle both sleep and the uncertainty
your child is facing helping your entire family
get the sleep you all need!
3Early Bed Time Advantages
The best time for all children and toddlers to go
to bed is between 6-7pm. An early bedtime can
mean much more restful sleep for your child, and
it is often much easier to implement than parents
think. Here are the benefits of an early bedtime
for your children. Quicker to fall sleep Less
resistance at bedtime Less bedtime battles
Quality family time before bed Less early
morning wake ups More overall sleep time Most
importantly be kind to yourself and other around
4Online Baby Sleep Consultancy
Enjoy expert advice from anywhere with
online and phone support. This convenient
solution allows us to develop a customised sleep
plan for you and your family without interrupting
your busy schedule.
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5Baby Sleep Consultancy At Home
A personalised and comprehensive solution in
the comfort of your own home. With different
package options to suit your needs, we can
observe and evaluate your childs sleeping
situation and environment, identifying the most
effective tools to apply.
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6Contact US
Email leanne_at_motherintouch.com.au Website
www.motherintouch.com.au Address 51 Milton
St, Elwood VIC 3184 Contact Number 0420 200 367