survey software - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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survey software


SurveyMethods is an award-winning online survey tool, with powerful but easy to use features at an affordable price. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:60
Updated: 10 June 2020
Slides: 7
Provided by: SurveyMethods


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: survey software

Survey Methods-survey software
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  • If you take a look at the features that
    different survey softwares offer, you will
    quickly realize that understanding all of them is
    no mean task. But it is very important that you
    do because only then you can choose the right
    survey software. It is important for one other
    reason, it determines your price. More features
    invariably means more dollars. So if you don't
    choose the right survey software, you might end
    up paying more for features you don't need.survey
    software for more info.
  • While it is impossible and not even worthwhile
    to look at all the features, here is a look at
    some of the important ones. Chances are that
    these are the ones will make or break your
    decision. The features have been divided into 6
    categories based on their function in the process
    of conducting an online survey.

  • Survey creation
  • Images, sounds, video - This allows you to
    insert images, sounds, and videos in your
    surveys, and can enhance the appearance of your
    surveys. However, use it only when necessary
    since it increases the time it takes to download
    and display your survey, and certainly don't
    overdo it.
  • Question library, response library, sample
    surveys - These allow you to create surveys
    quickly since you don't have to create them from
    scratch. They are a must if you do a lot of
    surveys regularly. And they don't impact the
    price that much, so you might as well opt for
    them. Do you want to learn more? Visit online
  • Skip logic - This allows you to skip questions
    depending on the answers to previous questions.
    Most survey softwares allow either AND or OR
    logic to decide whether to skip or not, but some
    allow a combination of any logical conditions. It
    might sound like a "nice-to-have" feature rather
    than a "must-have", but you will be surprised how
    often you need to skip questions in your surveys.

  • Data piping - This allows you to use the answers
    to some questions in the following questions.
    This is a very neat feature and it allows you to
    "personalize" your surveys. For e.g., you can say
    "Thanks Steve" instead of only "Thanks" if you
    know that the name of the respondent is Steve
    from a previous question. It also allows you to
    ask questions like "What do you like most about
    Coke?" when the respondent has selected Coke as
    his/her favorite drink in the previous question.
  • Advanced survey creation features (spell check,
    auto-correct, thesaurus, import from MS Word) -
    These are fairly advanced features and not really
    required in most cases, especially if you don't
    do surveys regularly. You can spend the time to
    spell check the survey yourselves. However, if
    you do a lot of surveys, then you might want
    these features. But they will impact the price
    quite a lot since they are considered as
    "premium" features. Have a look at employee
    surveys for more info on this.

  • Branding (your logo and background color) - This
    allows you to place your company logo and use
    your company website's background color for your
    surveys. This is good enough in most cases, but
    not if you are looking to customize each and
    every aspect of the survey. It is quite an
    important feature since it gives your respondents
    the feeling that they are still on your website.
    You may want to check survey data for more.
  • Advanced survey presentation features
    (pre-designed editable survey templates, new
    templates, full-customized look) - These are
    fairly advanced features and allow you to
    customize almost every aspect of the survey.
    Survey softwares do this in a variety of ways
    they have pre-designed editable templates,
    ability to create new templates, or create
    surveys with a full-custom look. These features
    are also considered as "premium" features and
    will impact the price quite a lot.

  • Summary
  • SurveyMethods is an award-winning online survey
    tool, with powerful but easy to use features at
    an affordable price.
  • Visit this site to learn more https//surveymeth
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