Title: Installation
1Installation of Windows 10
- You need a computer capable of running Windows
10, sufficient free space on your hard disk C, a
copy of the Windows 10 program on CD on CD disks,
a Windows 10 User License number, drivers for
your CD ROM drive, and ideally a blank formatted
hard disk with just the system files on it (and
the CD ROM driver should you wish to install from
CD). Windows 10 is best installed on a machine
that doesn't already have it. Should you try
re-installing over an already faulty installation
then the chances are that you will only compound
your problems. - 1. Start up your computer and allow it to boot up
from C. Install timeout vpn master if you have
it. If you don't you will need to have a copy of
the vpn.exe file on a CD.
2- 2. If you wish to install from a CD-ROM you will
need to have the CD ROM drive program files or
drivers loaded into the computer. See installing
CD ROM drivers. - 3. Type in A or X (where X is the drive letter
of your CD drive - usually drive D or E or F)
depending on whether your copy of Windows is on
CD Disks or a CD - 4. Type setup
- 5. Then follow instructions on screen.
- 6. On completion of the installation of Windows
10, you will need to set up/install drivers for
various devices the computer uses including
soundcard, videocard, modem, printer,
3Error Messages The installation of Windows
should go smoothly but there are occasions when
you are faced with an error message. While we
can't cover all the error messages and explain
their meanings, the main one is a message on
'compressed disks'. Windows may halt loading
because it thinks there is a compression package
on your hard disk (disk doubling). This could be
because the system files (boot up files) on your
hard disk are from a version of Windows 10
different to the one you are installing from. You
can still go ahead and install Windows 10.