Title: Prison or Jail Ministry Book Resources
1Prison or Jail Ministry Book Resources
2Prison Outreach
Real Life Stories Inmate to Inmate Christian
Testimony Books have gone into over 350 jails and
prisons across the United States.
3Inmate to Inmate Real Life Stories contain the
salvation testimonies of 30 Born Again
Inmates. In between the testimonies are truth
pages filled with the Word of God. Unsaved
Inmates love these books because they can relate
to the stories. Born Again inmates use these
books as their primary way to share Jesus with
other inmates.
4When you give your life to Jesus Christ, you
inherit His Light. You display that Light when
you exhibit love. When you exhibit love, you lead
others to Christ. Real Life Stories Inmate to
Inmate Prison Ministry Resources have gone into
over 350 jails and prisons across the United
States. They are also in use in Canada, Australia
and New Zealand. Inmate to Inmate Real Life
Stories contain the salvation testimonies of 30
Born Again Inmates. In between the testimonies
are truth pages filled with the Word of God.
Unsaved Inmates love these books because they can
relate to the stories.Born Again inmates use
these books as their primary way to share Jesus
with other inmates. Guards, Wardens, and
Chaplains all welcome the use of Inmate to Inmate
Christian Testimonies Books!
5The people you have just read about had to come
to a place of knowing, understanding, and
accepting the truth before their lives could be
changed. As you read through these Truths in
the pages ahead, take time to think about your
life. These truths, when received, invite you
into a loving relationship with God that will
bring you peace, joy, and personal transformation
to discover and fulfill your lifes purpose and
destiny. Throughout the rest of this book, in
between the many more Real Life Stories, we
will share some of these truths with you.
7Contact Us
Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books
Address 815 S. Babcock Rd, Porter , Indiana ,
46304, USPhone 219-762-7589Gmail
jim_at_step-by-step.org Website http//www.reallife