Title: 3D Lenticular Advertising
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2We have different sorts of printing technology in
our hands to be used for various applications.
When it comes to lenticular printing, a series of
pictures that are united into one last file and
then it will imprint on a plastic lens. It makes
a motion or depth effect when the lenticular is
turned. IN recent years, 3D lenticular
advertising is widely appreciated throughout the
world, especially because of its level of result.
This printing innovation makes full protected and
photographic-quality pictures to an extent of
effects from changes to animation to 3D Depth.
3Talking about the size of these printing, it can
be available in different sizes according to the
requirement, be it D business cards, 3D postcards
or full-size notices. Similarly, a lenticular
lens sheet also available in many shapes, sizes,
types, and designs. When you are choosing the
correct lenticular lens sheet, you have to very
specific about it although its not a difficult
task to do.
43D Lenticular Advertising has different
effects- The first one is the flip effect. This
lens lips beginning with one picture then onto
the following with an expedient turn of the wrist
and it is sensible. The animation is another
effect that can be included. Indeed, it is the
most popular impact as of now which can be done
with it. This effect offers up to 12 edges of
liveliness. Be that as it may, the edges should
be laid out with progression and smoothness. You
can get a certified 3D Depth on a card without
the usage of 3D glasses which is very predominant
right now.
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6Guangzhiyuan 3D Technology Co., Limited
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450449469 whatsapp 8613528341661 Email
gt3dphoto_at_aliyun.com jmgzy3d_at_gmail.com
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