Title: Career Biography of Heath Hall FRA
1Career Biography of Heath Hall FRA
2As Deputy Administrator
Heath Hall served as deputy administrator and
acting administrator of the FRA from 2017 to
2018. During this time, he was responsible for
the team that ensures safe and reliable movement
of people and goods across America's vast rail
3Fundraising Professional
At present, Heath Hall is a Member of the
Association of Fundraising Professionals, an
association that supports his professional career
in press relations.
4American Cancer Society
Heath Hall is the former Chairman of the American
Cancer Society's Health Initiative Action Team in
Mississippi. Heath Hall is proud to come from the
Magnolia State and does everything possible in
his professional capacity to improve life there.
5Like to Discover New Music
Heath Hall lived in Mississippi all of his life
and has been named as Hometown Hero by the
Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau for his
work to boost the area. In his spare time, Heath
Hall likes reading, exercising, and discovering
new music.
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