Title: Leading Silicone Rubber Seals & Gaskets
1Leading USA Manufacturer of High Quality Seal
2 3 4 5- Platinum Cured Silicone Rubber Tubing
6Silicone Rubber Tubing
- Elastostar Rubber Corporation manufacture
Silicone Rubber Tubing and silicone rubber hose
with a wide verity of extruded high-quality
standard and all custom size silicone tubing,
available in English and metric. We can
manufacture flexible silicone rubber tubing,
surgical rubber tubing, silicone tubing medical
Grade, custom silicone rubber tubing and hose to
a specific size for your particular needs, our
product is developing under the strict
supervision of our quality production team, so
the extruded product meet your specific
7Platinum Cured Silicone Rubber Tubing
- Elastostar Rubber Corporation manufacture
Platinum Cured Silicone Tubing with a wide verity
of extruded high-quality standard and all custom
size silicone tubing, available in English and
metric. We can manufacture Silicone Rubber Tubing
and hose to specific size for your particular
needs, our product is developing under the strict
supervision of our quality production team, so
the extruded product meet your specific
requirements. It also has suitable compounds
together with tolerance accuracy and color
matching for high and low temperature
8Our Major Products Are Silicone Rubber
Cord Manway Silicone Rubber U Channel Extruded
Rubber Bulb Seal Gaskets Silicone Rubber D Seals
Gaskets Silicone Rubber P Seal E Shaped
Rubber Seals Gasket Double Bulb Seal
Gasket Vulcanized Rubber O Ring Flurosilicone
Rubber O Ring
9Contact Us Elastostar Rubber Corp Address 7030
Huntley Rd, Suit B, Columbus, OH, 43229 Phone
614- 841-4006 Email info_at_elastostar.com Emai
l sales_at_elastostar.com