Title: Personality and Behaviors Changes During Alzheimer’s Disease
1Personality and Behaviors Changes During
Alzheimers Disease
2Alzheimers disease is a disorder that progresses
with time and causes the brain cells to
degenerate and die that leads to various
complications. As the disease develops, it
results in Dementia Symptoms, a continuous
decline in thought process, behavioral and social
skills that destroy the patients ability to
function independently.
3Alzheimers diseases take away an individuals
ability to remember things and carry out everyday
tasks which is the most notable personality and
behavior change
4The patient will begin to develop severe memory
impairment and also lose the ability to complete
even the simplest of tasks normally without
5As this disease causes the brain cells to die,
the brain begins to work less with passage of
time and it changes the way he or she acts or
6Some of the most common changes in personality
and behavior include getting upset, worried and
angry very easily even without any apparent
reason The patient gets depressed very easily
and does not show interest in anything, even
those things that he or she loved previously
7the patient becomes very suspicious, even of the
people with whom he or she lives and believes
that other people are hiding things, begins to
imagine things that are not there and even
misunderstands what he or she sees or hear
8The patient might wander away from home and will
not know where to go due to memory loss which
means the care givers need to keep a keen eye on
9The patients also stop caring about how they
look, stop taking baths and often want to wear
the same clothes every day
10It is necessary for caregivers to keep an eye on
the personality and behavior changes in patients
to get the best assistance for Alzheimers
disease New Hope, PA to help their patients
adjust with their conditions
11For more information Revolutionary Health
Services https//rhslivewell.com/ 215-321-1371 inf