Title: Are Prenups Just For The Wealthy?
1Are Prenups Just For The Wealthy?
2For most people, marriage is an exciting time in
their lives. However, with such a high divorce
rate in this country, many people are hesitant to
jump into marriage. They worry about their
financial stability in cases of divorce. Many
wealthier couples make use of premarital
agreements, often called prenups. however, should
these agreements be relegated to just wealthy
3Prenuptial Agreements Are Not A Bad Thing
Prenuptial agreements are commonly a tool used by
the wealthy to ensure that their assets are
protected in case a divorce happens. The use of
these agreements should extend beyond the rich
and famous. There is a common misconception that
a prenuptial agreement is another way of simply
planning on marriage to fail. This is not true,
and having a prenuptial agreement does not
predispose a marriage to be more likely to end in
4A prenuptial agreement, for those who may not be
completely familiar with them, is often composed
of several protections, including
5A fair division of any marital property. Assets
that you and your spouse had prior to the
marriage. How assets obtained during the marriage
will be handled and divided. Matters involving
debt or creditors. Benefits, inheritance, and
trusts that children from any prior relationship
may claim.
6Something You Should Know!
Your attorney can customize the terms of a
prenuptial agreement according to the particular
needs, goals, and situation pertaining to your
upcoming marriage. The discussing finances
before and during a relationship can be extremely
beneficial. Disputes over money are the best
predictors of divorce. If that is the case, a
prenuptial agreement that lays out the financial
situation of both spouses before a marriage could
go a long way in preventing divorce. The
disclosures that are made in divorce should also
be made before a marriage begins income,
property, student loans, credit cards, and more.
7Hire An Attorney
The qualified and experienced team at the Law
Offices of Ronald K. Stitch is ready to help you
get through whatever situation you are facing. If
you are getting married and are considering a
prenuptial agreement, they will help you make the
plans. If you and your spouse are considering
divorce, they will work to ensure that you are
treated fairly throughout the entire process.
Contact a family law attorney in Westlake Village
for a free consultation.
8Contact Details
30961 Agoura Road, Suite 227 Westlake Village, CA
Phone No