Title: A Complete Lesson On Report A Drunk Driver
1Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
A Complete Lesson On Report A Drunk Driver
Police Officers To Deal With Criminal Defense
Attorney Marietta GA
2Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
A Drunk Driver
Any human is not allowed to drive a motor vehicle
whenever he is under the influence of alcohol.
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a punishable
crime in most geographical areas. In Georgia, The
country functions under a group of Cobb County
DUI attorneys who own the power to make decisions
in case of drunk driving. Depending upon the
seriousness of the situation and the drivers
record, they may either charge him with a
sentence for a few months or suspend his driving
license or even ask him to pay the penalty.
Therefore, a Cobb County DUI lawyer is the
primary source of contact if something around the
road feels wrong.
3Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
It is an act of irresponsible behavior and it is
against law also. Erratic driving is dangerous
for a single person who comes in the way of the
driver, and such an instance needs to be
immediately addressed.
4Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
Traffic Laws
Drinking and driving is a super bad combination
when it comes to public safety, it is directly
violation of traffic laws and the authorities are
the most efficient source to locate the car and
the person behind the wheel and stop him before
an accident might occur.
5Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
How To Spot a Reckless Driver
Driving under the influence of alcohol may be
considered a criminal act, and hence, it needs to
be reported to a DUI attorney Marietta at the
earliest, there are many ways to find out the
Drunk and Driver -
6Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
A- Unexplainable slowing- Alcohol has different
effects on different people. If a person is
driving the vehicle slows down below the speed
limit, there is a possibility of alcohol
consumption. B- Abrupt turns and speeding up-
Suddenly speeding up the vehicle more than the
speed limit is also a cause of driving under the
influence. C- Jumping the lights- Disobeying of
traffic rules is commonly observed when the
driver tends to be intoxicated
7Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
More On Reporting a Case Of Drunk Driving
Suspecting an irregular driving activity calls
for a two-step approach. First, make sure you are
in a safe space. A person who is under the
influence might lose control of his vehicle any
moment and thus, create a haphazard for everyone
on the road. So, We all need to do our bit to
keep everyone around us secure and healthy.
8Call (678) 853-2500 for a free consultation
It is significant that we, as pedestrians and
travelers, stay aware of any irregular activity
around us. In addition to this, if you suspect a
person is driving under intoxication, it is your
moral duty to report him to 911. The police are
the most reliable source to take the required
action is such a scenario where law and order are
9Contact us Andrew L. Schwartz, P.C. 191 Roswell
Street Marietta, GA 30060 Phone 678-853-2500
Fax 678-853-2446 Email - andrew_at_andrewschwartz
law.com Website https//andrewschwartzlaw.com