Title: PTE MOCK TEST (1)
1PTE MOCK TEST https//www.ptemocktest.com/
Pearson Test of English is a worldwide accepted
exam that tests your proficiency level in
English. Thorough preparation is required to
crack this exam with an outstanding score. You
will find preparation material on the internet
which includes PTE mock test. PTE mock test is a
replication of the PTE exam and comes with a
scorecard. It gives you an overall idea about
how much you will score on the actual PTE
exam. h t t p s / / w w w . p t e m o c k t e s
t . c o m /
mock test evaluates your responses based on the
below criteria
The structure and flow of your response
The quality of vocabulary and grammar used in
your response
h t t p s / / w w w . p t e m o c k t e s t . c
o m /
4- Similarity of the PTE mock test and the PTE
exam are
They consist of 4 sections Reading, Listening,
Speaking and Writing and in total there are 20
sub-questions They both follow an automated
scoring system based on the Artificial
Intelligence algorithm. Every section is
timed. They have varying difficulty modes that
keep changing in real-time.
h t t p s / / w w w . p t e m o c k t e s t . c
o m /
5Strong grammar A wide vocabulary base Stronghold
on pronunciation Fluency in English
h t t p s / / w w w . p t e m o c k t e s t . c
o m /
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