Title: Use of Speed Humps, Bollards, Wheel Stops
2Looking for reliable speed humps in Melbourne?
Then who would be the best provider then Safety
Xpress. We manufactured with the aim of ensuring
pedestrians are safer on roads. We stock plastic
and rubber speed humps for reducing the risk of
3Rather than speed humps, we also provide the best
solution for the organised parking area of
commercial areas or shopping centre by quality
car park wheel stops. We are the leading provider
of rubber wheel stops in Melbourne.
4Safety is our biggest concern! So, to ensure the
safety of your building, we provide access to
specific areas with our security and safety
bollards. Safety Xpress will provide you with the
right bollards to perform the job effectively.
5We deliver all our bollards to Melbourne, Sydney,
Brisbane and all the major cities in the
Australia. We pride ourselves on manufacturing
reliable, strong, durable and safe bollards which
have the capacity to absorb a high level of
6We provide on-time delivery and same day dispatch
for all our quality products. Take a look through
our range, make your selection and place your
order today with us at Safety Xpress.
7Contact us on details and get in touch with
leading provider of safety products.
Website - https//www.safetyxpress.com.au E-mail
- sales_at_safetyxpress.com.au Address - 3 Jellico
Drive, Scoresby, Victoria, 3179, Australia
8Thank You