Learn The 12 Step Program Of Addiction Recovery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Learn The 12 Step Program Of Addiction Recovery


Addiction Aide provides list of 12 step program and method of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. It is quality information and tools for a 12 step program of recovery – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Learn The 12 Step Program Of Addiction Recovery

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12 step program
Learn The 12 Step Program Of Addiction Recovery
December 13, 2018
  • What Are 12 Step Programs?
  • Alcoholics Anonymous(AA)
  • What Are The Types Of 12 Step Programs?
  • What Are The 12-Steps Of Recovery?

Addiction is a complicated brain disorder causing
physical, mental, emotional and social distress.
It has become a major problem globally and
millions of Americans are grappling with drug or
alcohol addiction. According to the National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the United
States spends approximately 137 billion annually
on substance abuse. Alcohol, tobacco,
prescription medicine, and illicit drug
addiction are economically taxing to the United
States. Long-term addiction, if left untreated,
can even take a toll on the victims life and
health. In many cases, addiction is not just
involved with substance abuse like drugs or
alcohol. People who are addicted for a longer
period may also have a mental illness, called a
co-occurring disorder. Mental illness and
addiction are difficult to treat and require
medical intervention. Moreover, people find it
challenging to overcome addiction and take the
necessary addiction recovery steps. Many
addiction rehab centers offer multiple addiction
recovery treatment styles. You may logically
assume that discovering the best addiction
treatment center is more challenging than
choosing one out of a list. That is an accurate
opinion. Before you know what would be a great
fit for you or someone you love, you have to know
your options about the treatment. The treatments
include therapy, inpatient rehabilitation,
outpatient rehabilitation, counseling, and 12
step programs. This article will provide you
with the necessary pieces of information about
what are the 12 steps of recovery.
What Are 12 Step Programs?
Twelve-step programs were proposed by Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) groups as an effective method of
recovery from alcohol addiction. It contains a
set of guiding principles stating the ways to
overcome addiction and other behavioral problems.
The twelve steps made their first appearance in
the book Alcoholics Anonymous The story of how
more than one hundred men have recovered from
alcoholism published in 1939. The twelve-step
method was used to treat alcoholism, dependency
problems, and substance abuse like drug
addiction. The addiction rehab fellowships and
self-help organizations use these twelve-step
principles for rehab. The twelve steps state that
people cant control their addiction unless they
recognize that they have a problem.
Alcoholics Anonymous(AA)
Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 by Bill
Wilson and Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio. The
Alcoholics Anonymous groups developed the twelve
steps to achieving sobriety, which changes the
addict spiritually and enhances behavioral
development. The alcoholics anonymous further
evolved as an international mutual aid fellowship
having millions of members worldwide. Over the
years, other organizations that were formed are
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Groups, Marijuana
Anonymous (MA) Groups, Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
Groups, Cocaine Anonymous (CA) Groups, and other
groups for all types of substance abuse and
addiction. These recovery groups tend to follow
the twelve-step programs to assist in addiction
recovery. AA or NA may not be the right fit for
every individual, but there are many options
accessible for getting back on the path to the
healing process. It may take some effort on your
part and a trial and error process to discover
the right fit, but there is clear proof that in
order to be victorious, rehabilitation with the
guidance of professionals is more efficient than
attempting to do it alone. Let us know more
about the programs involving 12 addiction
recovery steps.
What Are The Types Of 12 Step Programs?
When people are addicted to a substance like
alcohol, they may feel happy while consuming it
but they may face a huge problem while trying to
get rid of the alcohol addiction. But not to
worry, there are multiple types of 12 step groups
that can help you from alcohol addiction and
support you in recovery from other
dependencies. These are the types of 12 step
Al-Anon/Alateen (for friends and families of
NA Narcotics Anonymous
ACA Adult Children of Alcoholics
NicA Nicotine Anonymous
CA Cocaine Anonymous
N/A Neurotics Anonymous
CMA Crystal Meth Anonymous
OA Overeaters Anonymous
COSLAA CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous
OLGA Online Gamers Anonymous
CoDA Co-Dependents Anonymous
PA Pills Anonymous
CLA Clutterers Anonymous
SA Sexaholics Anonymous
DA Debtors Anonymous
SCA Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
EA Emotions Anonymous
SAA Sex Addicts Anonymous
FA Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
SA Smokers Anonymous
FAA Food Addicts Anonymous
SIA Survivors of Incest Anonymous
FA Families Anonymous
SLAA Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
GA Gamblers Anonymous
SRA Sexual Recovery Anonymous
HA Heroin Anonymous
UA Underearners Anonymous
MA Marijuana Anonymous
WA Workaholics Anonymous
What Are The 12 Step Recovery?
The programs based on the twelve addiction
recovery steps bring spiritual, mental, and
physical awakening in the addicts. Here below,
you can find the original alcoholics anonymous 12
steps Tweet Twelve steps programs are set to
awaken an addict spiritually, mentally and
physically and lets have a look into each step
briefly as published by Alcoholics
Anonymous Step 1 We admitted we were
powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become
unmanageable The first step towards addiction
recovery is admitting to yourself that you were
powerless against the addiction. Long-term
addictions alter the brains chemistry, thereby,
causing psychological and behavioral changes.
Even though the addict has the willpower and
motivation to recover, it can not be done alone
due to the impaired functions of the
brain. Hence, the addict has to admit that they
have less control over the addiction and require
a helping hand to support recovery. The first
step calls the individual to seek medical help
or addiction recovery treatment to fight against
their addiction. There are various addiction
rehabilitation centers offering sound treatments
for such addicts. Step 2 Came to believe that a
power greater than ourselves could restore us to
sanity. Alcoholics Anonymous organizations focus
on spiritual teachings and to accept God as a
supernatural power and faith that He can heal
addiction. The second step involves spiritual
healing rather than religion and to believe that
a greater power is there to help mankind restore
from addictions. There are few criticisms for
this second step as the atheists dont believe in
God or a higher power. However, there are other
12-Step groups specially dedicated to atheists
and nonbelievers. AAAgnostica is such an
organization for those who are not religious in
their thinking and practice. Step 3 Made a
decision to turn our will and our lives over to
the care of God as we understood Him Step 1 and
2 are all about accepting the addiction problem
and recognizing a higher power. Step 3 calls for
action, which is completely surrendering the
life to the higher power. Firstly the addicted
person has to believe in God and now trust in God
for recovery. Here the individuals are invited
to accept God as the solution to their addiction
problems and understand God in any form as per
their religious beliefs. Step 4 Made a
searching and fearless moral inventory of
ourselves The fourth step calls for a personal
inventory of our lives and to be fearless in
whatever we do. Here, the individual is asked to
write down all the resentments towards people
and other things in life. As the person completes
the inventory, they get time to analyze the bad
happenings and resentful situations in life. By
doing so, the person realizes that they cant
control the actions of other people rather than
controlling themselves. The moral inventory
allows the person to examine their life and move
towards the next step of recovery. Step 5
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another
human being the exact nature of our wrongs After
analyzing the resentments in step 4, now its
time to admit our mistakes and shortcomings in
our life. Step 5 calls to rectify the things
that you wrote in the step 4 inventory. Here, the
individual has to let go of all the bitterness
and past things that were harmful. Confessing
the resentments to God, asking forgiveness, and
living life without any negative feelings is a
great way to recovery. Step 6 Were entirely
ready to have God remove all these defects of
character Step 6 calls the individuals to curb
all the negative characters and past happenings
from their life and mind giving everything to
God and letting the higher power take over the
inner spirit. By now, the individual knows what
is wrong and how to live a peaceful life with
love and humanity. Step six molds the character,
and the person becomes more matured towards every
event of life. Identifying the deceitful
characters and behaviors, and replacing them with
honest habits is the key to moving forward in the
journey of recovery.
  • Step 7 Humbly asked Him to remove our
  • Step seven correlates with step six, asking God
    to remove all the shortcomings in life.
    Humbleness and self-introspection are taught in
    step seven. Here the individual gets the
    opportunity to learn about ones fundamental
    nature and the purpose of life. It is the
    examination of one soul and done in a spiritual
    context. By doing so, the person understands more
    of himself and submits to the higher power to
    eliminate shortcomings.
  • Step 8 Made a list of all persons we had harmed,
    and became willing to make amends to them all
  • Step eight resembles the moral inventory, the
    person is asked to make a list of people they
    have harmed and rectify those mistakes by asking
    for their forgiveness. By doing so, the person
    gets rid of negative feelings like guilt, envy,
    and fear.
  • Step 9 Made direct amends to such people
    wherever possible, except when to do so would
    injure them or others
  • Now the individual can reach out to the persons
    they have harmed, and ask them for forgiveness.
    Asking for forgiveness can be done by direct or
    indirect ways as per the persons convenience.
    The individual can write a letter to the person
    they have harmed or visited them in person with
    a flower bouquet seeking an apology. Hence the
    individual gets more social support to recover
    soon from their addictions.
  • Step 10 Continued to take personal inventory,
    and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it
  • In step 10, the individuals are asked to maintain
    the inventory and check for any wrongs. If a
    person finds any wrongs, they are asked to
    rectify it immediately. The individuals keep on
    examining themselves and analyze their thoughts,
    actions, and behaviors. Things causing negative
    impacts in their life are curbed, allowing them
    to stay on the recovery track.
  • Step 11 Sought through prayer and meditation to
    improve our conscious contact with God as we
    understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His
    will for us and the power to carry that out
  • In step 11, prayer and meditation are given great
    importance. The step calls to improve the
    individuals connection with God or the higher
    power. Self- introspection enables the person to
    take control of their mental and emotional
    wellbeing. Meditation helps heal and repair the
    mind, body, and soul. Here, the inner soul is
    healed and the spirituality of the person is
    improved. Surrendering life to the higher power
    works wonders on the road to recovery.
  • Step 12 Having had a spiritual awakening as the
    result of these steps, we tried to carry this
    message to alcoholics, and to practice these
    principles in all our affairs
  • Having followed these 11 steps, step twelve calls
    the individuals to help other addicts through
    their knowledge. Now the individuals are
    spiritually sound and live a divine life with the
    power of God. Here the individuals share their
    experience, testimonies, and stories with the
    recovering addicts. All these alcoholics
    anonymous 12 steps help a person to stay sober,
    live a meaningful life, and help others do the
  • what are the 12 steps of recovery, alcoholics
    anonymous 12 steps, addiction recovery steps,
    alcoholics anonymous

December 14, 2018 at 220 pm When I was in
recovery treatment this 12 step helped me a lot
in mind. When I fully surrender to god he helps
me to come out of this addiction and all my past
ADDICTION and great article this will help the
people those who not have an idea about this 12
step program.
December 26, 2018 at 848 pm Now I came to know
about 12 steps program. Nice article. Keep writing
January 9, 2019 at 524 pm This blog was very
useful for all the reader and an easy way to
understand about 12 step programs. Keeping doing
February 14, 2019 at 1209 pm When all hopes
were lost it was Him who helped me overcome
difficult times as well as the addiction. He will
help for sure. Best article for struggling
people trying to overcome addiction.
April 18, 2019 at 1025 am Nice keep doing I
love the 4th step Admitted to God, to
ourselves, and to another human being the exact
nature of our wrongs this was the only true.
May 25, 2019 at 716 pm
Informative post, your every post worth atleast
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