Title: Some Components Required to Establish a Wrongful Death Case
1 Some Components Required to Establish a
Wrongful Death Cases?
CONTACT 24/7 888-988-9467
2Death of an individual caused by recklessness or
negligence of others is defined as wrongful
death. In such cases, immediate family members
are eligible to file a wrongful death claim
against the party responsible for causing the
accident which took their loved ones life. If
the claim is successful, the immediate family
members could receive substantial monetary
compensation. Money could never replace a life,
but it can help the surviving family members cope
with all the expenses created by the tragic loss.
3 Usually, the compensation includes
- The loss of consortium
- Loss of benefits
- Loss of quality of life
- Loss of parenthood
- Loss of love and affection
- Pain and suffering
- Medical bills
- Loss of earning potential
4In case you lost your loved one, it is essential
that you speak with Pittsburgh wrongful death
attorneys at Shenderovich, Shenderovich Fishman
and receive a free evaluation. Their attorneys
will help represent your best interests and help
you secure your compensation. Here are some of
the most important elements of every wrongful
death case.
In order to have a foundation for the claim, one
has to have proof of negligence. As an immediate
family member, you will have to prove that it was
indeed someone elses actions that took your
loved ones life. To prove that, you will have to
dig deep and wide and collect all the evidence
that points out to the person who committed the
accident. However, collecting evidence is not as
easy as it sounds. It is not something that you
can do alone, without any legal or professional
help. That is why you have to hire an attorney
who can deal with it in the right way. Speak with
your attorney as soon as you are able to increase
your chances of obtaining the highest
compensation possible.
6 Breach of Duty In addition to negligence, one
must also prove that the defendant in the
wrongful death lawsuit owed a duty to the
deceased victim. Once again, this is something
that only highly experienced and knowledgeable
attorneys can handle. It is not an easy task
establishing that the defendants duty existed
and that it was breached through their negligent
actions. But wrongful death attorneys in
Pittsburgh are up to the task. You should give
them a call today, and schedule your free
consultation to learn how they can help you file
a claim and secure your compensation on time.
- Another key element to filing a successful
wrongful death lawsuit is proving how the
defendants negligence caused their loved ones
death. This is usually done through - A thorough investigation of the accident
- By interviewing the eyewitnesses
- Using the traffic camera footage
- Comparing the police report to the other evidence
- Using the medical report to prove damages
8Proving these points will give you a leg up with
your claim, and help increase your chances of
securing substantial compensation for you and
your surviving family members. The money will
help you cover the costs of funeral and burial,
and help provide for your family. Remember to
speak with Shenderovich, Shenderovich Fishman
attorneys once you are ready to file a claim.
Until then, take your time.
9Contact Shenderovich, Shenderovich Fishman
Address Law Finance Building 429 Fourth Ave,
Suite 1100 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Phone -
888-988-9467 https//www.ssf-lawfirm.com/contact/