Title: Pest Control Picton Services - Falls Pest Control
1Falls Pest Control is a termite specialist has
more than Twenty years practical experience in
termite treatment, termite control, termite
protection and inspection of buildings in the
Blue Mountains region
You can simply impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Dont panic, and dont disturb the nest or spray
it with insecticides.
ALLPPT Layout Clean Text Slide for your
2 Get a complete Termite Inspection Penrith report
and discuss your options to eliminate the pests,
including chemical barrier treatment zones and
also non chemical ways of reducing pests in and
around your property.
3- Fully Licensed and Insured Pest Control Services
If you suspect termites, make sure to schedule a
professional termite extermination as soon as
possible. Treatments performed after termites
have already invaded a home are more invasive and
also make the treatment more expensive than if
performed as a preventative measure. Falls Pest
Control offers you safe and dependable all
services to not only to residential but to
commercial industrial as well as in the
hospitality education industry.
4- Professional Pest Control
As winter closes in, rats enter houses more often
and with our temperatures falling the amount of
rats entering is becoming an all time high.
Termites can literally eat you out of house and
home. So just imagine what it would feel like if
termites set up camp in your home munching away
on all your timbers.
5Check any trees, stumps, wood stockpiles or other
sites that may harbor termites within metres of
the house. The nest can be destroyed by complete
removal or by application of a chemical
insecticide.Whether or not the nest can be
found, the termites must be prevented from
continuing their attack on the house. Therefore
remedial Termite Treatment Picton generally use
chemicals in one form or another.
6We provide a complete inspection, Pest Control
Picton report and discuss your options to
eliminate the pests, including chemical barrier
treatment zones and also non chemical ways of
reducing pests in and around your property.
7 6141541322