Title: 4 Steps to boiler Chemical Cleaning and Treatment
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2Mechanical cleaning
Water flushing and mechanical cleaning leads to
the removal of loose scales and other debris from
the boiler through brushing, wiping, blowing and
the method of friction.
Alkaline treatment
Through this treatment, the hydrocarbons are oil
are removed that may otherwise stand as an
obstacle to the dissolution of the scale by an
acid solvent.
3Solvent cleaning
In this step, the inhibited acid is used to
remove scale from the boiler.
Neutralization and passivized
This process is designed for the removal of the
last traces of iron oxide. In this step, the
active metal is replaced with a well-passivized
surface layer.
4Selecting the correct treatment for boiler
chemical cleaning or choosing a series of
treatments to do so is of utmost importance. The
process that you select will determine the
following factors
Fouling composition
Quantity and distribution
Disposal problem
Available cleaning time
It is the selection process that gives a
guideline to the criterion of segmentation of the
treatments. Therefore, the boiler chemical
treatment is mainly based on the above four
stages. Each treatment undergoes every stage.