Title: What is a Clay Bar Treatment?
1What is a Clay Bar Treatment?
2When we talk about beauty being only skin deep,
in the automobile industry, it means that there
are always pesky little particles of dust and
grime lurking beneath your pristine car paint.
Even if you use a professional car cleaning
service to give your vehicle a makeover, if you
do not dig deeper, you will not be able to get
rid of those contaminants. The answer? Two words
Clay Treatment. This blog will give you a general
overview of the amazing benefits of clay bar
treatment and how you can use it to clean your
3 How to use clay for car detailing?
- The best thing about clay detailing is that it is
completely non-abrasive and safe. The treatment
is designed to remove brake dust, acid rain
deposits, bird dropping residue and other
unwanted grime. On average, it is recommended
that you use the clay treatment at least twice
every year. If you do not have the time, you can
look for car interior cleaning services that
provide clay treatment for your vehicle. Heres a
look at the steps involved in using clay for car
detailing - Step 1 Wash and dry the car Before you actually
go for the clay bar treatment, you need to first
wash your car properly so that you remove all the
dust and grime that covers the vehicle. You can
either wash the car on your own or get
a professional car cleaning service to make sure
the job gets done. Cleaning your car before you
implement clay treatment will make your job a
whole lot easier.
4 - Step 2 Spray the clay lubricant After you
finish washing your car, take a can of lubricant
spray. Shake the can well and then spray the
lubricant on a small area of your car. Make sure
you spray within an area of two square feet only,
no more. You can add a second layer of spray in
the same area if required. - Step 3 Rub with a clay bar Once the area is
sprayed with lubricant, you can take a clay bar
and gently rub the surface in a back and forth
manner. You may notice that the clay bar will
grab the surface at first, and there will be
resistance however, this only means the clay bar
is pulling contaminants out of the paint.
5 - Step 5 Store the bar with lubricant After you
finish with the clay treatment, it is important
to store the bar properly. Preferably, the bar
should be stored in the original case in order to
preserve it. However, you can also use an
airtight plastic bag or container to preserve the
car bar for future use. Be sure to spray the bar
with lubricant to keep it moist before you store
it. As far as possible, it would help if you
stored the bar in temperatures above 200 F. - Step 6 Wax your car Keep in mind that clay
treatment needs to be followed up with a wax or
sealant job. Since the clay treatment will remove
your existing coat of way, it is important to wax
the car immediately after you use the clay bar.
The clay bar usually leaves microscopic holes
where contaminants were present those holes need
to be sealed with was to protect the paint from
6 - Vehicle owners must note that clay treatment will
not get rid of oxidized paint, not will it be
able to fill in blemishes. If you want to remove
oxidized paint, you can visit the GoKleen website
and book a professional car cleaning service to
get expert assistance at your doorstep. The
experienced team at GoKleen will give your
vehicle a meticulous cleaning so that every speck
of dirt and dust is removed.