Title: Short Biography of Saddam Tajammal
1Short Biography of Saddam Tajammal
2Software Development Life Cycle Expert
Saddam Tajammal is a professional Software
Development Life Cycle and Agile Scrum
Methodologies expert.
He has almost two decades of experience in this
highly competitive, highly technical industry.
3Saddam Tajammal - Project Manager
Saddam Tajammal has worked for many years as a
Scrum Master and Project Manager. He has over ten
years of experience of the Software Development
Life Cycle.
Saddam Tajammal is a well-educated man who holds
a Bsc and is a professional Project Manager he
has worked for many years as a Certified Scrum
4Certified Scrum Professional
Saddam Tajammal is a Senior Certified Scrum
Professional experienced as a Scrum Master/
Project Manager who has over a decade of
experience of the Software Development Life Cycle.
5Saddam Tajammal - Hobbies
Saddam Tajammal has many hobbies, including
writing movie reviews, writing reviews of fine
dining restaurants, and traveling the world
seeing the sights and experiencing cultures that
he wouldn't be able to at home in America.
6Saddam Tajammal - Travel Diary
Saddam Tajammal has visited countless countries
around the world including, Spain, Germany,
Dubai, and the Dominican Republic. On his
travels, Saddam Tajammal is frequently found in
the best restaurants in the city he's in.
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