Common Mistakes to Avoid During GRE Exam Preparation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Common Mistakes to Avoid During GRE Exam Preparation


As a GRE taker, you should know what to do and what not to do while preparing for it. The GRE test is one of the most important tests which is used to measure the readiness of a candidate for grad and top business schools. This test is administered by the Educational Testing Council and consists of three different sections namely Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. There are many prep institutions like GRE Singapore set up to help candidates excel in all these sections and score well in the GRE. However, there are some wrong ways of getting surface among test takers on how to prepare for the GRE and much more. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Common Mistakes to Avoid During GRE Exam Preparation

Common Mistakes to Avoid During GRE Exam
  • Jamboree Education

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  • As a GRE taker, you should know what to do and
    what not to do while preparing for it. The GRE
    test is one of the most important tests which is
    used to measure the readiness of a candidate for
    grad and top business schools. This test is
    administered by the Educational Testing Council
    and consists of three different sections namely
    Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and
    Quantitative Reasoning. There are many prep
    institutions like GRE Singapore set up to help
    candidates excel in all these sections and score
    well in the GRE. However, there are some wrong
    ways of getting surface among test takers on how
    to prepare for the GRE and much more.
  • This is why we are writing this blog to give you
    a clear idea of GRE preparation and convince you
    to avoid these most common mistakes that GRE
    takers are likely to commit.

  • Leaving Everything for WeekendsIf you're among
    those who think that only weekend GRE preparation
    can let you crack the exam, then I'm afraid you
    are on the wrong path. This is because the
    weekend study can fail miserably because of your
    habit. We all know everyone has plans for
    weekends like hanging out with friends, going to
    the movies and some more things. So, thinking
    that you'll live a normal life on weekdays and
    opt for GRE preparation online on weekends can be
    troublesome for you. As you know GRE is tough to
    crack so make sure you're preparing for it

  • Only Reviewing The Questions You Got WrongIts
    important to figure out when you are making
    mistakes and why, but what about the questions
    you got right? It may seem like a waste of time
    to look over these, but its not.Right answers
    can hide from us the way we got to them. We can
    be so pleased just with getting them correct that
    we dont discover crucial elements to our success
    in them. For instance, did we use the wrong
    strategy but got the right answer anyway? Did we
    use a strategy that really would have been faster
    for a different kind of problem? Did we get the
    right answer mostly by mistake or by guessing
    during the GRE test?

  • Concentrating on a Single SectionDon't misguide
    your preparation by hearing anything from
    outside. If you are seriously thinking about
    scoring good in GRE and opening up gates of top
    B-schools then you must focus on acing all the
    sections of the GRE. Don't focus on a single
    section only because the success of GRE prep
    depends upon your performance on all three
    sections. Experts believe that balancing the
    preparation of all sections helps candidates in
    achieving a good GRE score.

Other Useful Links GRE exam GMAT exam
Singapore SAT exam IELTS test
  • Not Choosing Right GRE Study MaterialsIf you
    are unaware of the benefits of having good GRE
    study materials by your side, let me tell you a
    good preparation guide ultimately helps you to do
    well in the exam. So, it is your responsibility
    to choose from different study materials
    available online. However, if study materials are
    doing no good then You can compliment your
    preparation by joining GRE classes online.

  • Using Practice Test InefficientlyIf you are
    planning to take the GRE, I'm sure you might know
    how important it is to utilize the practice test
    offered by institutions that offer GRE classes
    online and offline medium. If not allow me to
    tell that practice tests are one of the vital
    players that enables a test taker to evaluate
    their performance as they proceed further with
    their preparation. Thus, inefficient use can harm
    your overall preparation and will adversely
    affect your GRE preparation and scores too.
  • GRE preparation is easy and can be so smooth only
    if you start not giving a damn about things you
    listen to that might haunt your preparation and
    GRE Score. So, make sure you're avoiding the
    mentioned mistakes to prepare well and score high
    in the GRE.

  • Contact us 133 Cecil Street 10-01A, Keck Seng
    Tower, Singapore (069535)Website www.jamboreee singapore_at_jamboreeeducation
    .comCall us 6596416221, 6562213770
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