Title: AC 554 Entire Course NEW
1Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 1 Special Exercise
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http//www.assignmentcloud.com Infosys is a
global information system outsourcing company.
The following risks are discussed in Infosys
Companys 2003 Annual Report. An illustrative
statement of each risk is also reproduced for
each risk. Classify each type of risk in one of
two broad risk categories, business risk and
control risk, and briefly explain your answers.
2Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 2 Homework
Assignment NEW Check this A tutorial guideline
at http//www.assignmentcloud.com/ac-
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http//www.assignmentcloud.com Chapter 3
Exercises 3 and 6, p. 77 Chapter 13 Exercises 3
and 5, p. 373
3Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 2 Special Exercise
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A publically traded company, Lists Unlimited, is
in the business of selling lists custom
generated according to the needs of the
customer. In 2001, the company recorded revenues
of 150 million. List Unlimited revenues have
grown at a rapid rate due to an unusual number
of acquisitions the company made during the year
2000. Although the acquisitions have been
integrated within List Unlimiteds business
operations and structure, according
4revenue cyclesremain separate for most acquired
businesses. This is due to variations in
conventions and practices unique to the line of
business of acquired businesses. As director of
the newly formed internal audit function, how
would you approach the issue of diversity in
revenue applications as you begin to address
compliance with the Sarbanes- Oxley Act in the
acquired businesses?
5Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 3 Homework
Assignment NEW
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Exercise 4. If you were responsible for disaster
recovery, how would you respond to each of the
following independent situations? Exercise
1. Identify at least three databases used within
your company or school. For these databases,
learn the type of data stored within these
databases and the datas sensitivity levels.
Then evaluate the authentication methods used to
protect this
6data. What are the strengths of these methods?
Are there any weaknesses? Exercise 2. For the
weaknesses identified in Exercise 1, devise
schemes to mitigate the risk(s). If you dont
identify any weaknesses, are there any ways you
can improve on the authentication schemes?
7Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 4 Homework
Assignment NEW Check this A tutorial guideline
at http//www.assignmentcloud.com/ac-
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http//www.assignmentcloud.com Chapter 5
Exercises 2, 3, 4 (p.145) Chapter 6 Exercises
4 5 (p.170)
8Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 4 Special Exercise
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AC554 Unit 4 Special Exercise
9Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 5 Homework
Assignment NEW Check this A tutorial guideline
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2 Question Many companies offer their employees
the ability to connect to the network from home
computers. Because companies dont have control
over the home users machine, they can be
exposed to viruses from these machines. What
stepstechnical and proceduraldo you think are
necessary in protecting the company network from
insecurities of home computers? Exercise 3
10Question To ensure security of a system and to
apply patches as required, an inventory of
the existing environment is required. After all,
you cant have total security when you do not
know what to secure. Meet with your
organizations information technology staff to
understand their process to inventory their
environment. Do they have a process? Does it
work? What enhancement would you
recommend? Exercise 3 Question Review various
applications that you use on your computers and
on the Internet. Classify them by the ones that
require authentication and the ones that do not.
For the ones that do, analyze their method of
authentication. For example, are they using
cookies, are they using pass-through
authentication, and if so, are they relying on
client operating system?
11Exercise 4 Question Review the programming
practices adopted within your organization or an
organization of your choice. What security best
practices do they adopt in ensuring application
security? What controls do they implement to
protect against attacks like SQL injection and
buffer overflow?
12Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 5 Special Exercise
NEW Check this A tutorial guideline
at http//www.assignmentcloud.com/ac-
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http//www.assignmentcloud.com In your
organization or organization of your choice,
identify two applications that various end-user
groups and departments have developed outside
the core IT department. Compare the security
features of these applications with the ones
developed by the IT department.
13Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 6 Final Exam
Chapter 6 and 7 NEW Check this A tutorial
guideline at http//www.assignmentcloud.com/ac-
final-exam-chapter-6-and-7-new For more classes
visit http//www.assignmentcloud.com As
information security director of a medical
college you have been asked to help medical
research units at the college become compliant
with HIPAA regulations. The regulations require
that a patients data used for research must not
remain identifiable with the patient. Currently,
medical research units use their own dedicated
local area networks to store and use patient
data. Typically four to six professors,
several postdoctoral fellows, and a few graduate
students are involved in the research. As a
14cautious beginning you decide to design a
solution to authenticate every user of the
database, including data entry people. Design
such a design and describe its essential
components. Imagine a day when a virus takes out
all your networked Windows machines. Strategize
the approach one could take to ensure business
15Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 6 Homework
Assignment NEW Check this A tutorial guideline
at http//www.assignmentcloud.com/ac-
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http//www.assignmentcloud.com Chapter 10
Exercise 1 Pg. 280 Chapter 11 Exercise 1 Pg. 320