Title: BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
1BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
2BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 1 CheckPoint For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. (TCO 1) The
Industrial Revolution began in which
decade? 2. (TCO 1) Which of the following is NOT
one of the three basic business strategies?
3BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 1 Problems For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com BSOP 334 Week 1
4BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 2 CheckPoint For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. (TCO 6) A concern
of inventory management is 2. (TCO 6)
Requirements for effective inventory management
include all of the following, EXCEPT 3. (TCO 6) A
basic issue of inventory ordering policy is
5BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 2 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Homework Chapter 13
Discussion Review Questions 3, 6, 10, 11, 14
(p. 601) Please answer each assigned question
completely, and be sure to spell-check before
posting your assignment. Your assignment must be
submitted as a MS Word document.
6BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 2 Lab Determining Order Quantity
for Lowest Total Cost For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Lab 2 of 7
Determining Order Quantity for Lowest Total
Cost Note! Template and Tutorials
7BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 3 CheckPoint For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. (TCO 2) How does
dependant demand differ from independent demand?
8BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 3 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Homework Discussion
and Review Questions 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3c (p.
542), Case Promotional Novelties (p. 549) Please
answer each assigned question completely, and be
sure to spell-check before posting your
assignment. Your assignment must be submitted as
a MS Word document.
9BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 3 Lab Bill of Materials For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Lab 3 of 7
Bill of Materials Note! Submit your assignment to
the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top
of this page.
10BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 4 CheckPoint For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. (TCO 8) Of the
following order quantity methods, which does not
attempt to balance ordering (or setup) and
holding costs?
11BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 4 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Chapter 12
Discussion and Review Questions 8 13 (p. 542),
Critical Thinking Exercise 1 (p. 543), Problem 14
(p. 547) Submit your assignment to the Dropbox
located on the silver tab at the top of this
page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox,
read these step-by-step instructions or watch
this Dropbox Tutorial.
12BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 4 Lab Material Requirements
Planning and Dependant Demand For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Lab 4 of 7 Material
Requirements Planning and Dependant
Demand Note! Submit your assignment to the
Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of
this page.
13BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 5 CheckPoint For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. (TCO 9) The
following feature of ERP makes it valuable as a
strategic planning tool 2. (TCO 7) Which MRP
approach is used for components or subassemblies
to compensate for variations in lead time?
14BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 5 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Homework Chapter 12
Discussion and Review Questions 11, 14, 15, 16
(p. 542)
15BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 6 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Homework Chapter 5
Discussion and Review Questions 1, 2, 6, 11,
15 (p. 208), Problem 13 (p. 210) Submit your
assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver
tab at the top of this page. For instructions on
how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step
instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.
16BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 6 Lab Strategic Capacity Planning
and CRP Logic For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Lab 6 of 7
Strategic Capacity Planning and CRP Logic Note!
17BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 7 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Homework Chapter 14
Discussion and Review Questions 2, 3, 4, 5, 8
(pp. 650-651)
18BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com
BSOP 334 Week 7 CheckPoint For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. (TCO 10) The
ultimate goal of lean operations is to
have 2. (TCO 10) Which of the following does not
contribute to reduced setup time and cost?
19BSOP 334 Knowledge is divine / snaptutorial.com