Title: Tackling Iron deficiency with Nu-Shakti food fortifiers
1How to Keep Iron Deficiency At Bay with a Healthy
Diet with Nu-Shakti food fortifiers
2Current Statistics
- No, this PPT isn't meant to scare you. Instead,
it serves as a reminder to eat right and ensure
that everyone in your family, especially
children, do, too. - According to an article in The Journal of
Pediatrics, researchers who studied heart failure
patterns among children aged 1-21 years found an
association of iron deficiency with the cause. - In 56 of the pediatric patients with heart
failure, who were assessed with iron studies,
iron deficiency was present. Now, that does
emphasize the importance of eating right like
never before, doesnt it?
3What is healthy eating?
- According to the World Health Organisation (WHO),
the five simple steps to healthy eating are - Moderate the intake of fats and oils avoid
processed, baked and fried foods that contain
trans-fat - Avoid food items that are high in salt and sugar.
- Eat a variety of food a combination of cereals,
legumes, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and meat. - Snack on plenty of raw vegetables and fruits.
- Eat vitamin and iron-rich foods to keep
deficiencies at bay.
What if we told you that you can include the
required amounts of iron in your daily food
without even realizing you're doing so? Yes, its
possible, with food fortifiers fortified with 7
vitamins and minerals including iron and folic
acid. These are multivitamin fortifiers that can
be added to rice or flour, which can then be
cooked as usual. This will take care of the
entire familys daily need for vitamins and
minerals. However, it is a must that one follows
a healthy eating plan and make kids follow the
5State of Anemia in India
According to medical practitioners, the
recommended daily intake of iron for adults is
11mg per day for men,15mg for women, and 27mg for
pregnant women. But even after so many awareness
campaigns, anemia is ubiquitous in South Asia. In
India alone, up to 88 of pregnant and 74 of
non-pregnant women are anemic. It is to combat
this very issue that doctors prescribe
over-the-counter iron supplements and fortifiers,
apart from advising one to eat healthily. But
regular intake of these iron supplements often
impact other body functions and lead to stomach
upsets and constipation.