Title: 5 Warning Signs Of Underage Drinking
15 Warning Signs Of Underage Drinking
2CONTACT (860) 772-4738
Underage Drinking
Parents of teenagers should be aware of warning
signals of their drinking so that they can
protect their children from severe hazards.
Teenagers have a natural desire to attempt new
things. Their bodies and minds, are not prepared
to handle side-effects of alcohol consumption and
they can easily slide down into addiction. In
Connecticut parents can consult DUI lawyer new
haven in severe cases.
3CONTACT (860) 772-4738
As a parent, keep an eye for the following
signals and if you detect any of them,
immediately get in touch with the relevant
professionals for help.
4CONTACT (860) 772-4738
Changes In Mood And Behavior
Teenagers who are drinking regularly may become
more irritable and aggressive. Most parents fail
to notice these signs of drinking.
5CONTACT (860) 772-4738
Low Concentration Levels And Poor
Alcohol can affect an adults judgment and
memory of a young person which influences
performance of affected people as they cant
focus properly on studies
6CONTACT (860) 772-4738
Lack of Interest In Hobbies And Other
Once children start drinking regularly, they lose
interest in their hobbies.
7CONTACT (860) 772-4738
Secretive Nature
If children are drinking excessively they start
avoiding their parents or sharing their thoughts
with them.
8CONTACT (860) 772-4738
New Circle Of Friends
If child does not tell about the new friends
he/she has made, then parents must get alert.
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Quaker Hill, CT 06375