Title: Patent Search Companies in Chandigarh
Patent Search Companies in Chandigarh
Presented By Karan Anand Ph.D. Law Firms
2About Us
Pitch Scientific is leading for Patent Search
Companies in Chandigarh. We are an expert and
trusted name in the Intellectual Property Support
Service industry for patent prior art search,
this search involves the determination of
potentially infringing products that read upon a
patent. Our services expand across the entire
intellectual property life cycle.
Patent search and analytics is a service industry
that has mushroomed over the past decade into a
multi-million dollar industry. The rise of this
industry has resulted from a number of factors
such as awareness of the nature, strength and
utility of an IPR the ability to monetize
patents themselves the lucrative nature of
technology transfer, etc.
4Patent Analytics Services Companies
A quick review of the websites of any patent
analytics services companies would reveal that
the common services include Novelty,
Patentability, Invalidity, Freedom-To-Operate,
Landscape, State-of-the-Art, Evidence-of-Use,
Claims Charts, and the like. All of these
searches include several steps aimed at
identifying the disclosure of certain concepts in
patents. The patents are then categorized and
clustered suitably to meet the requirements.
5Patent Analytics Firm
Subsequently, the typical patent analytics firm
is involved in the report preparation. This
involves the suitable visual depiction of the
results in a manner that can immediately convey
the entire analytics. Tables, charts,
color-coded texts, side-by-side comparison
tables, contour maps, bubble depiction, etc are
all used extensively for this purpose.
Prior Art Search Firms
Patent Landscape
Prior Art Search India
Technology Scouting
Market Research
Invalidity Search
Patent Drawings
Novelty Search
State of Art Search
Patent Search and Analytics