Title: Randal Kenworthy - Possesses Excellent Leadership Abilities
1Randal Kenworthy
Vice President Corporate Strategy at Cognizant
2(No Transcript)
3Randal Kenworthy is an exceptional part of the
leadership team developing Ciscos
industry-specific digital transformation
go-to-market strategy. Randall Kenworthy is
commended for delivering consulting services to
Ciscos enterprise customers and also achieved
multiple promotions to Practice Director for the
Manufacturing Energy, Digital Transformation
4Randal Kenworthy is also responsible for
developing strategy, organizational structure,
and sales process to enable Cisco to move outside
IT into line of business buyers.
5Randall Kenworthy developed and deployed advanced
digital strategies for Fortune 500 companies,
enhanced business operations and identify
opportunities for new business services. Led a
team of practice advisors, architects, value
analysts, and partner managers.
6Randal Kenworthy is commended for exceeding sales
targets including direct sales of over 120M for
90 manufacturing and energy accounts in North and
South America.
7Randall Kenworthy developed Ciscos vision,
strategy, and POV on the manufacturing and energy
industry and played a vital role in increasing
market awareness of Ciscos IoT value proposition
through industry events, thought leadership,
advisory boards, and customer events.
Find out more about him at his official site