Sensual Tips: In Search of the Male G-Spot - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sensual Tips: In Search of the Male G-Spot


Men are familiar with numerous sensual tips aimed at helping them reach their female partner’s G-spot. But how easy is it to locate their own male G-spot? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Sensual Tips: In Search of the Male G-Spot

Sensual Tips In Search of the Male G-Spot
By John Dugan
  • Ah, the elusive G-spot, that perfect button in
    the female that many consider key to explosive
    pleasurable releases. Finding a womans G-spot
    can be rewarding but so can finding the male
    G-spot, and its generally easier to locate.
    Although good male organ health can make the
    experience of the male G-spot more enjoyable, the
    manhood itself is not where the G-spot is located
    in men. The following sensual tips can help a guy
    locate his G-spot and gives hints on what to do
    once its found.
The male G-spot
  • Simply put, the male G-spot is the prostate, that
    gland located just underneath the bladder and
    which most men first become aware of during a
    physical, when the doctor tells them to bend over
    and suddenly a cold gloved finger is poking
    around inside their posterior. The prostate exam
    is often the least favorite part of a mans
    physical so they may find it surprising to
    learn that that same prostate can be manipulated
    for extreme pleasure.
  • There are two ways of stimulating the prostate
    for pleasure. One way involves rubbing or
    otherwise stimulating (via a vibrator, for
    example) the perineum, that area between the
    balls and the posterior. The prostate is located
    underneath the perineum and some men find that
    applying enough stimulation to the perineum
    results in pleasurable sensations from the
  • However, direct stimulation of the prostate is
    generally an easier way to achieve pleasure -
    and that requires inserting an object into the
    posterior. It doesnt need to go terribly deep,
    as the prostate is located about two inches into
    the posterior. For many men, this would be the
    equivalent of inserting their first finger all
    the way in.
Now what?
  • Okay, if a guy is ready to try to stimulate his
    male G-spot, there are a few sensual tips he may
    want to consider
  • Get in the mood. Although it is certainly
    possible for a guy to just insert a finger or
    other object into his posterior and move it
    around until the prostate responded pleasurably,
    its usually easier if a guy is already in a
    sensual mood. Thinking sensual thoughts,
    contemplating sensual fantasies, watching
    exciting videos, or self-stimulating can all help
    to get a guy more in the mood for his G-spot
  • Get cremed. The posterior doesnt produce
    natural lubricant, so a guy wants to be sure to
    use plenty of lubricant, both in his posterior
    and on the finger(s) or other object which will
    be inserted. And he should be prepared to
    replenish as necessary.
  • Dont rush. Especially the first few times a man
    explores his G-spot, the posterior is likely to
    be very tight. Men should resist the temptation
    to rush things and just take it slow insert
    just a little, swirl it around gentle or move it
    back and forth slowly just be gentle and take
    time. It may take several tries before the
    posterior is successfully penetrated and the
    prostate located.
  • Re-position. Sometimes a guy needs to try
    different positions to find one which works best
    for him in terms of reaching the G-spot.
  • Toy with it. Consider using sensual toys
    (prostate massagers, imitation members, vibrating
    imitation members, etc.) but a guy should only
    do this when hes ready. Often sensual toys will
    be a real boon in reaching the prostate and
    bringing about a pleasurable release.
  • Again its important to emphasize that a guy
    should be patient when exploring his posterior.
    And its also important to know that not every
    man finds stimulating the prostate to be
    pleasurable. If thats the case, theres no
    reason to force the issue.
  • Any set of sensual tips involving the male G-spot
    should mention that maintaining good male organ
    health through application of a first class male
    organ health oil (health professionals recommend
    Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild
    and safe for skin) gives a guy one less thing to
    worry about. Select an oil with a range of
    vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E. The oil
    should also contain L-carnitine, an amino acid
    which helps maintain proper member sensitivity
    for overworked members.
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