Title: trademark registration,Brand registration,logo registration
1Trademark Registration Trademark is define as
mark of trade. Mark who defines our business,
means logo or brand. Its very important for our
business. So, now we can decide what we need
first company registration or trademark
registration. As per our (Ezzus India) opinion or
you can also decide, what you need first. Ezzus
India personally suggest you that if you start
new business as proprietorship firm, partnership
firm or private limited company whatever. And you
really concern about your business that it will
grow like other big venture. So first you need to
register your brand name or logo or trademark
under Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Department of Government of India. Then you can
go for private limited company registration or pro
prietorship firm registration or LLP
registration etc. After getting registration of
new Brand name or logo under trademark registry,
you dont need to worry about stolen/infringement
of business value or brand value by
someone. Department defined business categories
for registration of brand name and logo in total
1 to 45 Classes. If your products or services
fall in one class, you need to pay Rs.4500 or if
it fall in multiple classes you need to pay
number of classes Rs. 4500 as government fees.
In some cases, Government fees Rs.9000 for one
class. Validity 10 Years
- For Individual Owner
- Aadhaar Card
- Pan Card
- Brand Name or Logo or Both
- Business activity ( List of Products and
Services) - Authorisation Letter in favour of Ezzus India.
(Prepared by Us for your sign) - If you have pre used proof, its also need us.
- For Proprietorship Firm / Partnership / Pvt. Ltd.
Company - Aadhaar Card all persons.
- Pan Card and Certificate of Firm
- Brand Name or Logo or Both
- Business activity ( List of Products and
Services) - Authorisation Letter in favour of Ezzus India.
(Prepared by Us for your sign) - If you have pre used proof, its also need us.
- If you have msme registration or startup
registration certificate. Its help subsidy in
government fees Rs.9000 to Rs.4500.
3- What You Get
- TM Number
- TM Fees Receipt
- TM-A
- Certificate of Trademark ( It will take time 6-9
- No Need to worry about copy or infringement of
business value or name. - Its give big popularity and identity in near
future. - Its also give way to start chain of your
business. - Now a day, brand registration is mandatory
requirement to sale online on amazon, flipkart
etc. - After registration of brand or logo under
trademark department, you can stop someone to use
of and claim their business profit. - If you will plan to sale your business, you will
receive good money for your brand value compare
to brand which is not registered. - It gives a Special attraction to customers or
associates. - It is the best way of marketing strategy as this
generally is of 1-2 words and easy to remember in
spite of remembering a company name. - Brand registration, helps small business holders
to grow faster and expend their business. - Even the sellers can have third party
manufacturing, and tag their own brand on
products and sell them. - Brand Registration can be in the form of trade
name/logo/tag line/design/colour/shape.
New registration of brand name or logo under
class of business category, we will take 1-2 days
for apply. After application, department will
take 5 to 6 months for registration of brand name
or logo as REGISTERED - Brand . Till that time
You can use APPLIED - Brand.