Title: How To Give A Personalised Learning Experience To Kidpreneurs
1How To Give A Personalised Learning Experience To
2The next generation is nothing short of rockstars
- they are far smarter than we were at their age,
and they learn new things very quickly. Take
programming for kids for instead. Did you know
that more than half of the kidpreneurs actually
have tech products!!
The Next Generation
3Kids havent learn the limitations of the society
yet, so their minds are full of bright ideas and
hope. They havent learned the things they need
to unlearn in order to be successful. Hence, they
often come up with really interesting ideas.
Big Ideas
4The best way to deliver personalised learning to
the future kidpreneurs is to let them try their
hand at businesses and actually manage the
logistics and take care of the money. Truth of
the matter is, most adults dont know this stuff
themselves. So kids who learn this will have a
better chance of making it big in life.
Learning About Finance And Operations
5Failure As A Part Of Learning
Teachers and parents must talk about failure with
their kids on a one-to-one basis, as often as
possible. This ensures that they learn to talk
about this integral part of business, and even
life, at an early age and hence learn to manage
6Options For Parents
Kids who attend Young Entrepreneurs Program have
a better chance of picking up these skills
quickly and efficiently, and they are likely to
gain more success in life. These programs take
place in most major cities during summers and
even on weekends.
7Thank You