Title: Seasonal Home Maintenance Checklist (1)
1Home Maintenance Checklist By Season
2Maintenance of the home is one of the biggest
and daunting chores for homeowners. It can give
you an overwhelming feeling, especially for the
new home buyers. Heres we have clipped a home
maintenance checklist that you can use to get
your house in prime shape.
3Annual Home Maintenance
Inspect Roof Surface Clear out gutter cloggings
Paint your home Check out kitchen chimney and gas
pines Replace A/C Filter if needed
4Fall Maintenance Checklist
- Check out the fireplace for damage or hazards
- Seal cracks and gaps in windows and doors with
caulk Change old, drafty windows for more
energy-efficient models - Inspect roofing for missing, loose, or damaged
shingles and leaks - Remove leaves and debris from gutters and
downspouts Repair or replace siding - Vacuum lint from a dryer vent
5Spring Maintenance Checklist
Inspect roof for damaged shingles and
leaks Inspect sink, shower, and bath caulking for
deterioration Change air-conditioner filter if
needed Polish wood furniture, and dust light
fixtures Clean window and door screens Refinish
the deck if needed Have professional inspection
for septic tank
6Winter Home Maintenance Checklist
Change or clean furnace filters Maintain clean
drains Clean and store garden tools Move snow
shovels and snow blowers to a convenient spot
7Home Maintenance Checklist Summer
Change or clean heating, ventilating and air
conditioning filters Prune trees and
shrubs Remove lint from dryer exhaust vent with a
long, flexible brush Regular home maintenance
not only upkeep your home but also avoid many
costly repairs and adds more value to your home.
8Let's Talk
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