Title: 4 Reminders for Businesses to Save Receipts
1 4 Reminders for Businesses to Save Receipts
2For a business to be successful, it is important
to keep records. You must have a business plan,
bookkeeping technology and appropriate accounting
methods in place along with the ability to use
all that information to your advantage. Retaining
receipts is a significant part of this process.
3However, businesses often overlook the need for
printing receipts and continue to send digital
receipts to customers, considering it to be their
preference, which is not always the case! While
the world is digitalising at a great pace, there
are a myriad benefit that a paper receipt offers.
In fact, 68 of consumers reported in a survey
that they would rather receive a physical receipt.
4Higher Return on Investment for Retailers
To harness customer-retailer relationship,
businesses need to effectively communicate with
their shoppers to provide them information
regarding transaction details, upcoming
promotions and return policies.
5While many offline retailers choose to opt email
services costing hundreds or thousands of dollars
per year to share that important information with
customers, others go for direct mail that cost
nearly 1.00 piece. Apart from that, receipts
are another easy and cost-effective solution to
do so. In fact, investing in receipts is one of
the smartest decisions that retailers can make as
1000 receipts cost only around 1.50 which is
just 0.0015 per receipt.
6Besides, receipts even boost ROI of a business by
increasing the efficiency of the checkout
process. Receipts eliminate the need to collect
customer information at the point of purchase and
the transactions are processed merely in seconds.
Therefore, to benefit from a fast printing
performance, invest in a high-speed thermal
receipt printer like Epson tm t88v.
All in all, an efficient receipt printer speeds
up long lines and serves more customers which
ultimately sounds like a win for the retailer!
7More Reliable User Experience
Customers crave for a positive shopping
experience! If retailers fail to provide them
what they are looking for, chances are theyll
start investing their money elsewhere. Offering
receipts helps in creating a more reliable
experience for the customer.
This is because paper receipts help your shoppers
to receive fewer junk emails while making it
easier for them to retrieve promotions, proof of
purchase, return policies and more.
8Besides, customers will no longer have to search
information related to promotions or return
policy when its all printed on a receipt that is
tucked away in a wallet pocket and not lost in
thousands of emails. So, why risk going digital
with your receipts when you have the option to
keep it handy?
9A Great Marketing Tool
Out of all the advantages of a paper receipt, the
best one is that it offers retailers the valuable
opportunity to boost business profitability and
encourage customer loyalty.
- These three ways can help retailers to use
receipts to market to customers. Retailers can - Advertise discounts to customers which will
induce repeat business and better sales
opportunities. - Promote their events and social media sites and
encourage customers to participate. - Request feedback on their product/ service from
FYI, 88 of customers still prefer print receipts
over digital ones which is a good reason to use
receipts as a reliable marketing tool.
10Offer Sustainability
Keeping environmental factors in mind, most
retailers choose to send email receipts to their
customers to save paper. But when you invest in
thermal receipt printers from recognised brands
like Epson, you are only taking a step toward an
adoptive eco-friendlier approach.
Latest Epson POS printers feature top margin
reduction and auto paper saving functions that
can reduce paper costs and consumption by upto
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