Title: Instant Pot Sealing Rings and Instant Pot Silicone Lids.
1Instant Pot Sealing Rings and Instant Pot
Silicone Lids. Tu rn Yo u r Pre ssu re C o o ke
r's In n e r Po t In to Th e Pe rfe ct Fo o d Sto
ra g e C o n ta i n e r!
- Great for on-the-go food storage for events or
picnics - Large-sized storage for food prep-ers
- Store liquids and soups without fear of leaks
(super strong sealing lid!) - Dishwasher safe
- Made from Food-Grade, BPA Free Silicone
- Compatible with many pressure cookers (see size
guide below)
N e ve r L o se Pre ssu re o r Mi x Yo u r
Fl a vo rs Ag a i n ! In tro d u ci n g In
staExtra s' Fo o d -Gra d e Si l i co n e Se a
l i n g R i n g s Fo r Yo u r Pre ssu re C o o
ke r
- Separate your flavors (Sweet, Savory, Spicey)
with our 3 pack replacement sealing rings - Made with the highest food-grade silicone,
ensuring quality and safety! - The perfect seal to keep your pressure cooker
pressurized. - BPA Free
- Dishwasher safe
- Compatible with many pressure cooker (see size
guide below)
Easily Replace Your Old Sealing Rings
2Step 1 Start at the spout. Tuck one edge of the
sealing ring to fit snugly around the wire
sealing ring rack on the lid of the Instant
Pot. Step 2 Go around the lid and with your
thumb gently press down on the silicone ring to
help it set into place.
3You Are Viewing Our 3, 6, and 8qt Quart Sealing
Rings Make sure to purchase the correct size for
your Instant Pot.
The Perfect Storage To-Go Solution
4Our Lids Form a Tight Grip to Your Inner Pot,
Ensuring No Spills! It's As Easy As Step 1
Attach the hooked edge of your lid to one side of
the lid. Press down the lid onto the inner
pot. Step 2 Using your thumbs to press down, go
around the lid piece-by-piece fold over the
hooked edge of the lid onto the lip of the inner
pot. Keep going until you feel the final part
snap onto the pot. You're all set!
5Why Insta Extras?
Perfect Fit
Dishwasher Safe
High Quality Product Service
Passes The Pinch Test
InstaExtras premium silicone rings and lids are a
molded product, which means they are designed to
be a perfect fit every time. The lid has a
"hooked edge" that snaps onto the edge of the
Our high grade silicone is also dishwasher safe.
No need for scrubbing or hand-washing. Just rinse
and place the rings and the lids in the
dishwasher with your normal load.
Happy customers are the heartbeat of our small
business. Our goal is to not only deliver
a high-quality product, but high-quality service
as well. Have a question or
The pinch test is used to test silicone quality.
If it turns white when pinched, it's a sign of
lower quality silicone, which often contains
fillers and additives.
6pot to create an airtight seal.The snug fit of
the lid means no leaks, spills, or escaping
smells. The rings have molded group for the wire
in the lid of the pressure cooker to slip into.
issue? We are here to help!
InstaExtra uses the highest grade food-safe
silicone that is BPA free.
3QT Sealing Rings
5 6 QT Se a ling 8 QT Se a ling R
ings R ings
5 6 QT Silic one Lid
8 QT Silic one Lid
5 QT 6 Qt Instant Pots (DUO, LUX, and more) ? ? ? ?
6 QT Cuisinart, Breville, Crock-Pot, Fagor, and Other 6QTs ? ? ? ?
8 Qt Instant Pots (DUO, LUX, and more) ? ?
73 Qt Instant Pots (DUO, LUX, and more) ?
Can also be found at https//i