Title: connor thurman 6th
1The Castle Escape
2You are in a room in the middle of a castle. You
must escape before the guards find you
Red Door
Blue Door
3As you head through the red door you are faced
with 2 hallways.. Choose which one you will go
Hallway with Light
Dark Hallway
4As you go through the blue door you see two big
doors exiting a big room.. You have to choose the
correct way out before the guards find you
Barn Doors
Castle Doors
5You went down the hallway with the light and you
find yourself in a kitchen filled with guards
you are arrested
6You went down the dark hallway are end up in the
forest on the outside of the castle,, You have
7You went out of the barn doors into the cow
pasture,, you are stuck with no food and scream
for help.
8You go through the castle doors and you end up in
a hot dungeon,, you realize you will die and pass