Title: Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Barala
1Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Barala
- Contact Details
- Website - http//www.dramitbarala.com/
- Address - Barala Hospital, Chomu, Jaipur-302004
(Raj.) INDIA - Call - 91- 9610277287
- Email baralaamit_at_gmail.com
2Social Links-
- https//twitter.com/DrAmitBarala1
- https//in.pinterest.com/dramitbarala/
- https//amitbarala11.tumblr.com/
- https//www.linkedin.com/in/dr-amit-barala-6405751
96/ - https//www.reddit.com/user/amitbarala11
- https//www.facebook.com/dramitbaralaneurosurgeon/
3Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
- A physician who is a specialist of neurology is
called a neurologist. The neurologist treats
problems that affect the brain, spinal cord, and
nerves, which includes Cerebrovascular disease,
such as stroke. Demyelinating diseases of the
central apprehensive system, including multiple
4Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
5Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
- Central nervous system Mind and spinal cord.
Peripheral Anxious System All other nervous
elements, with eyes, ears, skin and different
"sensory receptors". A neurologist is a health
practitioner who focuses on neurology and is
trained to investigate, diagnose or deal. With
neurological problems.
6Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
- Neurologists may be concerned in medical
research, scientific trials, and basic or
translational research. While neurology is a no
substantial feature, its associated surgical
specialty is neurosurgery. Dr. Amit Barala is
Best Neurologist in Jaipur working as a
specialist neurologist with a in backbone
7Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
8Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
- The Department of Neurology at Barala Hospital
looks at the backbone, mind, peripheral worried
system, muscle groups and related illnesses using
modern-day generation and a world-class
neurologist team. Our best neurologists in Jaipur
will investigate complex neurology diseases and
affected person situations and provide treatment
based on observation.
9Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Baralahttp//www.dr
- Some of the services offered by way of Dr. Amit
Barala include headache management, spinal wire
disorder, stroke treatment and nerve and muscle
disorder. Dr. Amit Barala is devoted to the
affected person with first-rate neuro surgical
skills. He has a good revel in neurologist in
10Neurologist in Jaipur-Dr.Amit Barala
- Contact Details
- Website - http//www.dramitbarala.com/
- Address - Barala Hospital, Chomu, Jaipur-302004
(Raj.) INDIA - Call - 91- 9610277287
- Email baralaamit_at_gmail.com
11Social Links-
- https//twitter.com/DrAmitBarala1
- https//in.pinterest.com/dramitbarala/
- https//amitbarala11.tumblr.com/
- https//www.linkedin.com/in/dr-amit-barala-6405751
96/ - https//www.reddit.com/user/amitbarala11
- https//www.facebook.com/dramitbaralaneurosurgeon/