Title: AZZLY Rize EHR Makes EPCS & PDMP Available!!
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2State reporting to PDMPs slows you down.
349 states now have state Prescription Drug
Monitoring Programs, and 39 require provider
prescribers to consult their PDMP before
prescribing a controlled substance - a 6 minute
process on average.
4With AZZLYs software, clinicians can check their
PDMP in 1/3 of this time.
5The AZZLY Rize EHR makes EPCS and PDMP available
right in the workflow with the integrated EPCS
Gold from AZZLY partner DrFirst. PDMP access in
the workflow gives providers an average of 67
time savings.
6Simplify your day-to-day administrative
tasks with this unique vertically
integrated healthcare solution designed and
developed especially for all providers or
prescribers of Controlled Substances.
7Our new enhanced version, AZZLY Rize, provides a
streamline process for induction, stabilization
and maintenance programs. The perfect solution
for busy, withdrawal management programs. Color
coded appointment types, appointment reports past
and future Patient Engagement HIPAA
compliant appointment reminder system Personalize
d assessments and evals, treatment plans and
progress notes Outcome measurement surveys and
assessments Integrated Care Pathways for medical
necessity Integrated labs Eprescribing
8Moreover, it includes the ability to manage
multiple locations in single sign on, multiple
calendar and staff views, customized forms and
reports that support state requirements.Easy
digital signature capability e-patient
signatures on formsElectronic lab orders
results, Quest, LabCorp, and others
9To know more about our services and easy
implementation of AZZLYs EHR RCM software,
Visit AZZLY.com/medication-management and
schedule a free one-on-one demonstration of the
AZZLY Rize solution with one of our experts in
Clinical or Billing Claims. In just 60 seconds,
see firsthand how an easy to use EHR could speed
your documentation.
10Contact Us AZZLY 1 (888) 400-3201 www.azzly.com