Title: Success Mantra - CTET Coaching in Delhi
1 Welcome to Success Mantra
- Highly Experienced And Trained Faculty Mobile App
For Daily Current Affairs Well Researched Books
Study Materials Small Batch Size Individual
Attention Series Of 40 Online Tests For Time
2 CTET Coaching in Delhi
The rationale for including the CTET as a minimum
qualification for a person to be eligible for
appointment as a teacher. Ensure quality
recruitment in the field of teaching by setting
national standards and benchmarks. Improve the
performance standards of teacher education
3 CLAT Coaching in Delhi
- Though BA LLB and LLB are Law programs, the area
of study and the scope of these courses vary
vast. - We have Top class services including in our
exclusive classroom program such as - 450 Teaching Hours
- 17 Sets of Books
- 55 Full Length Tests
- 120 Unit Tests
4 Hotel Management
- We have exclusive classes for aptitude, 180
teaching hours and sets of books also full
syllabus tests followed by test discussion
sessions adding up to this we have also our
ease vidya e-learning app.
5Contact Us
Address- 113, Ground
Floor Next to Oriental Bank
of Commerce Kingsway Camp,
GTB Nagar Delhi -110009
Contact No. (91) 85888 76885, 99990 88430
Email enquiry.successmantra_at_gmail.co