Title: BUS 661 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
1 BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
2BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change at DuPont For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Read the case study
Change at DuPont from the end of chapter 7 in
your text. Answer the following questions in a
three- to four- page APA style paper include
outside sources to support your answers.
a. To what extent are the following
approaches to change embedded in the DuPont story
(justify your answer, providing specific examples
3BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Initiatives For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Find an article that
identifies at least one reason why organizational
change initiatives fail in organizations.
Summarize the article then presen
4BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Intervention For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Complete the
following exercise (Exercise 7.2 in your text)
Choose a current issue in your local
neighborhood. You will figure out how you would
design a large-scale change intervention program
in relation to this issue. Answer the following
5BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Leader For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com What skills are
appropriate for a leader of change in a modern
organization? How do you cultivate them? On
reflection, what skills do you possess and how do
you compare with your list of skills? What can
you do to improve your skills?
6BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Rationales For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Find two articles
about organizations going through change. Provide
a complete APA citation for each article. Answer
the following questions and respond to at least
two of your classmates postings.
7BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Stories (Green Mountain
Resort) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com Read the case study Green Mountain Resort
(Dis) solves the Turnover Problem from the end of
Chapter 2. Answer the following questions in a
three page APA style paper include outside
sources to support your answers.
8BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Stories (Green Mountain
Resort) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com Read the case study Green Mountain Resort
(Dis) solves the Turnover Problem from the end of
Chapter 2. Answer the following questions in a
three page APA style paper include outside
sources to support your answers.
9BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change Stories For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Briefly reflect upon
an important change you have experienced in your
life. Compare your change to the change stories
from the beginning of Chapter 1. Compare the
change stories from the beginning of Chapter 1.
Answer the following questions and respond to at
least two of your classmates' postings.
10BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com BUS 661 Change at
DuPont BUS 661 Organizational Change Report-
Bridgepoint Ed. BUS 661 Leading Organizational
Change Assignment NESTLE BUS 661 Leading
Organizational Change Assignm
11BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Force Field Analysis For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Find at least one
significant article related to either downsizing,
implementation of a new technology, or a merger
or acquisition. Provide a complete APA
12BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Leading Organizational Change Assignment
British Airways For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com BUS661 Leading
Organizational Change Assignment British
Airways British Airways Read the case study
The British A
13BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Leading Organizational Change
Assignment NESTLE For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com BUS661 Leading
Organizational Change Assignment ( NESTLE)
14BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Leading Organizational Change Final
Paper For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m BUS661Leading Organizational Change Final
Paper Final Paper The final assignment for
this course is an Organizational Change Report.
The purpose of the Organizational Change Report
is for you
15BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Leading Organizational Change Final
Paper For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m BUS661Leading Organizational Change Final
Paper Final Paper The final assignment for
this course is an Organizational Change Report.
The purpose of the Organizational Change Report
is for you
16BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Week 1 Assignment Change Stories For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com BUS 661
Week 1 Assignment Change Stories Change Stories.
In a three- to four- page paper (excluding the
title and reference pages), reflect on an
important professional change that you have
experienced. Compare your change story to one of
the stories from the beginning of Chapter 1 of
the text. Answer the following questions and
support your thoughts with at least two scholarly
17BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Leading Organizational Changes
(Tyco) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om BUS661Leading Organizational Change ( Tyco
) Tyco Read the case study Tyco from the end
of chapter 11 in your text. Answer the following
questions in a three page APA style paper
include outside sources to support your
answers. a. Describe how the turnaround team may
18BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Leading Organizational Changes
(Tyco) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om BUS661Leading Organizational Change ( Tyco
) Tyco Read the case study Tyco from the end
of chapter 11 in your text. Answer the following
questions in a three page APA style paper
include outside sources to support your
answers. a. Describe how the turnaround team may
19BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Organizational Change Report- Bridge
point Ed. For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com BUS661 Organizational Change Report-
Bridge point Ed.
20BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Preventing Resistance For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Listed below are a
number of reasons why people may be resistant to
a change. For each of the reasons, identify at
least one action that could be taken by
management to reduce the prospect that it will be
a significant source of resistance (Exercise 6.2
21BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Preventing Resistance For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Listed below are a
number of reasons why people may be resistant to
a change. For each of the reasons, identify at
least one action that could be taken by
management to reduce the prospect that it will be
a significant source of resistance (Exercise 6.2
22BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Preventing Resistance For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Listed below are a
number of reasons why people may be resistant to
a change. For each of the reasons, identify at
least one action that could be taken by
management to reduce the prospect that it will be
a significant source of resistance (Exercise 6.2
23BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Change at DuPont For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Read the case study
Change at DuPont from the end of chapter 7 in
your text. Answer the following questions in a
three- to four- page APA style paper include
outside sources to support your answers.
a. To what extent are the following
approaches to change embedded in the DuPont story
(justify your answer, providing specific examples
24BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Productive Failure For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Sometimes things go
wrong and it's not always a bad thing. Discuss a
time in your organizations history when a change
process failed. Explain what happened
25BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Restructuring For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Imagine that you are
an employee of a large organization about to go
through a restructuring. Discuss the following
issues and respond to at least two of your
classmates postings.
26BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 The Vision Wow Factor For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Find the
vision statement of five different companies that
you are interested in. You can get these from
either annual reports or from online searches.
You may also use the vision statements listed in
Table 9.4 of your text. to the following and
27BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Toxic Handlers For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Read Table 11.5 from
your text about toxic handlers. Select one of the
following discussion focuses (a, b, or c)
depending on your own experiences.
A. Have you ever been or observed a toxic
handler? If so, compose your discussion around
28BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Vision and Organizational Change For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Locate
one journal article that discusses vision in
relation to specific companies going through
organizational change. The change c
29BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com
BUS 661 Week 1 Assignment Change Stories For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com BUS 661
Week 1 Assignment Change Stories Change Stories.
In a three- to four- page paper (excluding the
title and reference pages), reflect on an
important professional change that you have
experienced. Compare your change story to one of
the stories from the beginning of Chapter 1 of
the text. Answer the following questions and
support your thoughts with at least two scholarly
30BUS 661 Education Specialist/ snaptutorial.com