Title: Canal Cheong Exhibition
1Canal Cheong Exhibition
- Presented By
- www.tranter-sinnigallery.com
2What are the different types of an art
- Art exhibitions can traditionally be defined as
space with several art-related objects for the
general public to be seen. Such exhibitions
include art forms like drawings, pictures, sound,
video, performance, installation, new media art,
interactive art, or even sculptures provided by
various artists. One such popular art exhibition
is the Canal Cheong Exhibition that is aimed at
diminishing the differences between the east and
the west through art.
3Trade Fair/Commercial Exhibition
- The trade fair or commercial exhibition is
referred to as art fair which shows the creative
work of art dealers as well as artists where the
participants have to pay certain fees in order to
get in.
Vanity Gallery
The vanity gallery can be termed as an exhibition
point where the artists are charged for using a
designated space.
4Temporary Exhibition
Temporary gallery or museum exhibitions mostly
display items already present in the existing
collection, depending on a certain theme, period,
or topic. It is usually supplemented via loan
collections from other partner museums to curate
a full-theme experience. Normally, this type of
exhibition doesnt have any item up for sale.
They can be distinguished from the permanent
display set by the museum. Most of the large
museums generally set aside certain areas for
such exhibitions.
5Invitational Exhibition
In this type of exhibition, the show organizer
asks a certain group of artists to bring in their
artwork and exhibition the same in the gallery.
No exhibit can be possible without any invitation
or special permission.
6Contact Details
Address 255 NW 69th Street Miami, ON.
33138 Tel 1 (305) 849-7999 Email
info_at_tranter-sinnigallery.com Website