Title: Professionals For Spider Control And Removal Service
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2Although many people may fear spiders, spiders
are considered beneficial pests as they feed on
insects and other pests.
3Some common spiders that we typically find in the
Central Valley include the common house spider,
garden spiders (orb weavers), the wolf
spider, and the black widow spider.
4Spiders that may harm people with their
bites, typically construct their webs in secluded
areas under furniture, in corners of rooms, in
woodpiles, in storage boxes, cracks and crevices,
5By reducing the potential spider habitat, you
will help reduce the spider populations. Applicati
on of pyrethroid pesticides around the
perimeter of the home will help kill the spiders
that are present.
APEX Pest Control INC.
4541 Harlin Drive Sacramento, CA 95826 Phone
(916) 454-2739 Email info_at_apexpestcontrolinc.com