Title: cooljagtap (3)
1Women Are Earning Money and Recognition on This
Amazing Platform! Being a woman is wonderful but
what makes us wonderful is the same thing that
often leaves us unsatisfied with our lives. Being
a mother or a wife or a Daughter In Law is more
than a full time job in itself and yet at the
end of the day, we often feel less rewarded and
yearn for an identity which got lost somewhere
while we were busy holding the canavas for
others to paint on. What about the dreams we
held? Choosing one is not easy and not even
worth. But why choose when you can have it all?
India is slowly opening up to flexible work
opportunties for women but we still lack
opportunities which are more than just making
some money! How about building an identity and a
brand for yourself? Something that will live with
you through your expertise? This is the ideology
that gave birth to PinkDesk A platform where
women can connect, share ideas, display their
interests and hold discussions on various
issues. It's place for women to learn, grow and
even earn. Their focus is to empower Indian
women's individualistic identity. Its ambition
is to be the largest digital platform for women.
Your personal growth is what matters on PinkDesk.
You will be able to tap into your capabilities
and skills to spread your wings and contribute
to the best of your potential. With a flexible
work schedule, you can acquire the recognition
that you truly deserve. There is a multitude of
opportunities for you to channel your superpowers
on this platform. And the best part? It doesn't
matter which background you're from, we welcome
each and every one of you with open arms. You
just have to be someone who shares our ideology
and wants to support the career
2and identity status of women. You'll definitely
be rewarded for your earnest contributions. One
way your efforts will be rewarded is through PD
Cash. It is a form of money that you can use to
buy products in the Mandi. The money that you'll
receive will be based on the performance of your
original content in the form of Blogs/Vlogs or
even Answers on the Forum. Let me do the math
for you, 1 PD Cash Re. 1 Make authentic
submission, receive recognition and be rewarded
for your performance. You can even encash it but
the best way to use it would be in the PinkDesk
Bazaar. PD Cash is not just a currency but a
symbol of support and belief of one woman in
other which would be expressed by supporting
each others business. You can also earn regular
bucks by displaying your products or services in
the Mandi. These are the gateways to sell your
products or services. Here's how exactly you can
earn money and recognition on PinkDesk Publishing
Blog Posts on Bloggers Park You can impart
your knowledge on topics and issues belonging to
various genres. For example, relationships,
self management, education, finance, life style
etc. Don't worry, you don't necessarily have to
be an all-rounder on any particular issue. But
you can use this platform to display your
knowledge and provide information which would be
helpful for other women out there. Bloggers
park gives you voice and you can effectively use
it for your and womens benefits. If you are
already blogging on other platforms or got your
own page then PinkDesk might be the right
platform for you which clearly measures the
performance and pays you accordingly. Your
content would earn throughout its lifetime!
3Start Vlogging Not into writing? No problem,
PinkDesk will help you express yourself through
video format as well. Press play, record the
content you will cover for each video post and
submit it on the platform. You could show off
your cooking, make up, fashion, hair-do skills
through visual content. Vlogging will not only
give you the opportunity to earn PD Cash, but
also give you the spotlight to acquirecool
audiences. Post Your Product or Services on
Mandi So, you dont blog or Vlog! This is not
where it all ends. We have got local marketplaces
in Mandi. Separate Mandis will be displayed
based on localities. So if you're intended to
sell your handmade goodies and crafts or provide
services to women or kids, this is a grand
opportunity for you to reach success. Women have
got a lot to offer but finding clients and
establishing a brand is a bottleneck indeed .
Create a store in Mandi and be assured of a
digital presence, reaching out to target
customers based on interest and locality. On
PinkDesk, you will be served with the right
target audience and PD cash shall only boost your
sales further. Best Efforts are Crowned No, you
don't need to belong to a royal bloodline to be
'Crowned' on this emerging unique platform. It
all comes down to how much effort you're giving
in to be tagged as a 'Featured Expert'. Featured
Experts are taken much more seriously than a
regular user. Let me break it down from the very
scratch to clear the way out for you to claim
royal fame on PinkDesk. First, create your
profile. Second, fill up the required
information. Third, select the category of your
expertise. Fourth, post original and informative
content in the form of Blog/Vlog/Answers based
on the chosen category. Walk through the above
mentioned four
4steps and the rest will follow. While you
dedicate yourself on sharing knowledge, your
performance would be tracked through PD score
system. Once you reach the desired score target,
you will receive the honour of being a 'Featured
Expert' in your chosen category on PinkDesk.
PinkDesk is a social commerce platform carving
its way towards contributing empowerment and
connection amongst the rising women population.
Ultimately functioning as a great support for the
women of India to gain momentum in their
passion. Given the benefits of flexible working
hours, women in our country can easily stitch
their passion along with their profession and
recognition because of PinkDesk. This is the
place where you work from the comfort of your
home while achieving fruitful results. Invest
your time on the right platform, Invest in YOU!