Title: Getting a Divorce in Utah
1Getting a Divorce in Utah
2Emy A. Cordano
Emy A. Cordano has nearly two decades experience
in family law. She has utilized an aggressive and
compassionate approach to protect the rights of
each client and to look out for their best
interests. Unlike most Salt Lake City divorce
attorneys she is one of the few female lawyers to
run her own law firm. Not only she focuses on
protecting the rights and interests of each
client during a case, but she also places a high
priority on preparing clients for life after a
3Types of Family Law Cases Commonly Brought To
EMY A. Cordano Attorney at Law
Family Law
Legal separation
Domestic violence
Property division
Child and Divorce
Social Media and Dating
4Steps in Filing for Divorce
First step will be preparing your forms. The
system will show you how to fill out the proper
forms that are required. The system will prepare
the paperwork for you and everything expect for
filing your paperwork.
5Steps in Filing for Divorce
The next step in filing for divorce is to sign
the divorce forms with the presence of a notary.
You can find a notary through your bank (it is
often a free service provided to customers) or
you can find one through private businesses like
check-cashing services or at the courthouse.
6Steps in Filing for Divorce
Next, you will file the divorce forms in the
clerks office of the court in the county where
you live. You will be charged 310 for a filing
fee. You can file a motion in order to get this
fee waived. But in order to do this, you need to
prove that you cant afford this fee. You would
have to provide a detailed description of your
expenses, income, debts, and property.
7Steps in Filing for Divorce
The final step will be the waiting game. Your
spouse will have 21 days to file a response to
your petition. It will be extended to 30 days if
your spouse lives out of the state of Utah. If
your spouse doesnt file an answer within the
specified amount of time, then you can ask the
court for a default judgment.
8EMY A. Cordano Attorney at Law
Address 6465 S 3000 E, Suite 103 Salt Lake City,
UT 84121 Call 801-804-5152
Website https//www.cor-law.com/contact-us.html