Title: Apple Banana fru2go
1Apple Banana
2FRU2go is 100 pure fruit snack without any
preservatives, artificial flavours or colour.
Manufactured in our state of the art plant, the
product goes through very stringent quality
process before it is offered to you for
About Us
3Apple Banana Fruit Snack That Never Fails to
Delight and
Apples are called nutritional powerhouses
because of being nutrient-rich. Apples are also
rich in vitamin B, dietary fibre and packed with
antioxidants which help the body fight
4Banana is also a powerhouse of energy and is
naturally free of fat, cholesterol and extremely
rich in all nutrients. Apple banana make a
delicious recipe for a great healthy fruit
snack which is packed with good health and taste.
5Reach Us
- Website www.fru2go.com
- Shop www.store.jainfarmfresh.com Facebook
www.facebook.com/FRU2GO - Instagram www.instagram.com/_fru2go Twitter
www.twitter.com/_FRU2GO Address GAT 139/2,
Ground Floor Jain Hills Jain Valley, Shirsoli
Rd, Jalgaon, Maharashtra 425001 - Phone Number 1800 599 4000