Title: Sonic Branding (1)
2 B Postmates Serve Audio Branding/Audio UX
Client Postmates ServeAudio Branding, Audio UX
We are currently in the process of developing the
audio ux and audio branding for Postmates Serve
For more information www.cmooresound.com
3Tesla Audio Branding / Audio UX
Tesla Audio Branding, Audio UX for Model S, X
and 3
We recently had the opportunity to partner with
Tesla in designing the in car audio ux for the
Model 3 as well as designing the engine tone for
Model S, X and 3 for the Taiwan market.
4Kuri Audio Branding / Audio UX
We worked with Mayfield Robotics over the last
year in helping to shape the voice and language
of their robot named Kuri. This was a very unique
challenge in that we were constantly considering
the balance between
Amazon Firephone Audio Branding / Audio UX
Dynamics and depth Soft, gradual approach to the
entire sound suite Elegance and simplicity in
design Share
CMoore Sound is an award winning sonic branding,
sound design and music production studio based in
the Bay Area.We work closely with companies to
define their brand tone - This involves
everything from strategic brand analysis to
creation of custom musical scores and sound
design experiences for the physical and digital
world We are true believers that a well-crafted
sound experience intensifies emotion, enhances
narrative, and transcends culture.
577 Shotwell StreetSan Francisco, CA,
94110United States
Visit us at www.cmooresound.com