Title: Best IIT JAM 2020 Preparation books
1Best Books for IIT JAM 2020
2IIT JAM Books
If you have a dream to pursue M.Sc. from Indias
top colleges than you need to qualify this
entrance test. Every year thousands of
candidates apply for IIT JAM to get admission in
IITs and NITs. But only few got the chance to
study in the most reputed colleges of
India. This year IIT JAM is conducted by IIT
Kanpur and the exam is scheduled on 9th February
3IIT JAM Books
If you are preparing for this exam then you
already know the importance of a good study
material Because your final marks depends on your
preparation Make sure you choose your study
material wisely there are many books available in
the market for IIT JAM Preparation but you have
to choose books and study material according to
the content quality and latest syllabus before
starting your preparation make sure you know the
IIT JAM syllabus thoroughly. Below we provided
you the list of best books available in the
market for IIT JAM 2020 Preparations.
4IIT JAM Books
- IIT JAM Physics-
- Mathematical Methods
- Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Physics
Mary L. Boas - Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin
Kreyszig -
- Mechanics And General Properties
- Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and
Kolenkow - Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma
5IIT JAM Books
- Oscillations, Wave and Optics
- Optics by B. Ghosh
- Waves and Oscillations by N.K. Bajaj
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J.
6IIT JAM Books
- Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics
- Electronic devices and circuit theory by
Boylestad and Nashelsky - Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits by
Ramakant A. Gayakwad -
- Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics
- Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics Thermal
Physics by F. Reif - Heat Thermodynamics by H.P. Roy A.B. Gupta
7IIT JAM Books
- IIT JAM Mathematics Books
- Integral Calculus F. Ayres (Schaums), Gorakh
Prasad - Vector Calculus Murray R. Spiegel (Schaums),
A.R.Vasishtha - Linear Algebra Seymour Lipschitz (Schaums), H.
Anton, A.R.Vasishtha. - Ordinary Differential Equation Peter J. Collins,
G.F. Simmons, M.D. Raisinghania. - Modern Algebra A. R. Vasishtha 8. University
Algebra N. S. Gopalakrishan.
8IIT JAM Books
- IIT JAM chemistry Books-
- Physical Chemistry
- Atomic and Molecular Structure Physical
ChemistryPeter W. Atkins - Chemical Thermodynamics Physical
ChemistryThomas Engel Phillip Reid - Electrochemistry An Introduction to
ElectrochemistrySamuel Glasstone - Chemical Kinetics Chemical Kinetics Keith J.
Laidler Basic Mathematical Concept Differential
Equation MatricesShanti Narayan
9IIT JAM Books
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Periodic Table Concise Inorganic Chemistry J.
D. Lee - Chemical Bonding and Shapes of compounds Inorgani
c Chemistry Meissler Tarr Transition Metal (d
block) Concise Inorganic Chemistry James E.
Huheey - Instrumental Method of Analysis Instrumental
method Skoog, Holler Crouch
10IIT JAM Books
- Analytical Chemistry Quantitative Inorganic
Analysis A. I. Vogel - Organic Chemistry
- Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and
Stereochemistry Stereochemistry Conformation and
Mechanism-P.S. Kalsi - Organic Chemistry Carey Sundberg
- Natural Products Chemistry Organic Chemistry
(Vol-II) I. L. Finar Heterocyclic
Chemistry Organic Chemistry (Vol-I) I. L.
11IIT JAM Books
- IIT JAM Geology Books-
- Geomorphology
- M. J. Shelby's earth's changing surface
- Paleontology
- Ecosystems, Environments, and Evolution by
Brenchley, P.J. and Harper, D.A.T. - Introduction to Paleontology by Arnold
12IIT JAM Books
- The Planet Earth
- Physical geology- Mukherjee Geo-dynamic
- Evolution of India- K S Valdiya Stratigraphy
- Strati-graphic principles and practice by J.M.
Weller. - Structural Geology
- Structural Geology - Prof. Haakon Fossen
- Structural Geology - S.K. Ghosh/ Billings/ Davis
13IIT JAM Books
- Mineralogy
- Optical Mineralogy by Paul F. Kerr
- Optical mineralogy by P. K. Verma
- Petrology
- An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology by John D. Winter - Igneous Petrology by Bose M.K
14IIT JAM Books
- Economic Geology
- Industrial minerals and rocks of India by Deb
- Economic Mineral Deposits by Bateman, A.M., and
Jensen, M.L. -
- Applied Geology
- Hydrogeology- Todd and Karanth
- Ground water by H.M. Ragunath
15IIT JAM Books
- IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Books
- Introduction to Mathematical statistics Robert
V. Hogg and Craig Mckean Hogg - An introduction to probability and
statistics V.K. Rohatgi - Fundamentals of Mathematical statistics S.C.
Gupta V.K. Kapoor
16IIT JAM Books
- IIT JAM Biotechnology Books
- Microbiology Microbiology by Prescott, Pelcza
- Biochemistry Biochemistry by Lehninge
- Molecular Biology Molecular Biology by Watson
- Cell Biology Bruce Alberts or Lodish
- Development Biology Gilbert
17IIT JAM Books
Above we provided you some of the best books
available for the IIT JAM 2020 Preparation. These
books are recommended by the experts so start
your preparation for the exam. We hope you like
this article. If you have any queries you can ask
us in the comment box below.
18IIT JAM Books
We have created the lists of books on the basis
of experts choices. We hope these books will
take you through the IIT JAM 2020 examination.
Thank You!!