Title: Shipping Industry
1Move Your Oil Tankers with Amer Shipping
Limited It is well known that ocean freight
shipping is an option that provides shipping
transportation services at an economical price
point. As one of the oldest options for freight
transportation, it is also one of the most
available since oceans and waterways cover most
of our planet. When it comes to shipping of oil
and gas tankers expertise is much needed.
Foresight Group has carved a niche for itself in
the shipping industry with the successful
operation of Amer Shipping Limited over the
years. Under the guidance of our founding
members, we have built in-house commercial
shipping division as well. The fleet of Foresight
shipping consists of container-oriented
multipurpose ships, product carriers, modern
reefer ships, VLCCs, and modern Aframax tankers.
Amer Shipping Limited with as large as 25
vessels offers a broad spectrum of services
including technical management and crewing,
total ship management, as well as chartering and
commercial management.
2The business has attracted a diverse portfolio of
international shipping customers by consistently
offering the right support and services, whenever
and wherever they are needed the most. This is
an approach that is constantly being reviewed
and refined as the business has a long-term
approach to all of its interests and
partnerships. Currently operating on two oil
tankers, the company has plans for expansion of
fleet to 10 vessels in operation by 2020, which
would likely be achieved through the acquisition
of existing ships.
Address 6EA 222, Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box
371498, Dubai United Arab Emirates Website http/