Title: MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
1MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
2MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 1 DiscussionStatistics are
Everywhere For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com MAT 300 Week 1 Discussion - "Statistics
are Everywhere" (Note Please respond to one 1
of the following two 2 bulleted items)
3MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 1-11 Discussion Questions For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT 300 Week
1 Discussion Statistics are Everywhere MAT 300
Week 2 Discussion Graphical Representations of
Data MAT 300 Week 3 Discussion Data
Description MAT 300 Week 4 Discussion Playing
Games with Probability
4MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 2 DiscussionGraphical
Representations of Data For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT 300 Week 2
Discussion - "Graphical Representations of Data"
Please respond to the following From
the e-Activity, discuss the data that the graph
is used to visually represent. Speculate on why
the editor chose the graph, as opposed to merely
reporting the data.
5MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 4 DiscussionPlaying Games with
Probability For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com MAT 300 Week 4 Discussion - "Playing
Games with Probability" Please respond to the
following From the e-Activity,
determine the probability of winning your states
lottery game. Provide a rationale to support
your determination.
6MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 5 DiscussionReal-Life Applications
of Binomial Distribution For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT 300 Week 5
Discussion - "Real-Life Applications of Binomial
Distribution" (Note Please respond to one 1 of
the following two 2 bulleted items)
Provide one (1) real-life example or application
of a binomial distribution. Explain how the
example matches the conditions for the binomial
7MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 6 DiscussionNormal Distribution
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT
300 Week 6 Discussion - "Normal Distribution"
(Note Please respond to one 1 of the following
two 2 bulleted items)
8MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 7 DiscussionConfidence Intervals
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT
300 Week 7 Discussion - "Confidence Intervals"
(Note Please respond to one 1 of the following
two 2 bulleted items) The vast
majority of the world uses a 95 confidence in
9MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 8 DiscussionYou Cant Prove the Null
by Not Rejecting It For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT 300 Week 8
Discussion - "You Cant Prove the Null by Not
Rejecting It" (Note Please respond to one 1 of
the following two 2 bulleted items)
10MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 9 DiscussionCorrelation and
Regression For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com MAT 300 Week 9 Discussion - "Correlation
and Regression" (Note Please respond to one 1
of the following two 2 bulleted items)
11MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 10 Assignment 1 Bottling Company
Case Study For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com Assignment 1 Bottling Company Case
Study Imagine you are a manager at a major
bottling company. Customers
12MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 10 DiscussionTesting the Difference
between Two Means For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT 300 Week 10
Discussion - Week 10 Discussion "Testing the
Difference between Two Means." (Note Please
respond to one 1 of the following two 2
bulleted items)
13MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com
MAT 300 Week 11 DiscussionRecap For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com MAT 300 Week
11 Discussion - "Recap" (Note Please respond
to both of the following two 2 bulleted items)
14MAT 300 Education Specialist-snaptutorial.com